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“You have superpowers!

I know this because you can transform kids from haters of Latin to lovers of Latin!”  – Kimberly

Recent Blog Posts

Why I abandoned Restored Classical Pronunciation.

The real reason I abandoned the Restored Classical pronunciation.  My greatest problem with the "restored classical pronunciation", is that its proponents tend to be pushy. They spend a lot of time emphasizing the “correct” pronunciation.  They spend a lot of time...

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Words from porto.

I am up late grading student homework right now.   In one class, the vocabulary class, I told the students to use English words that came from the Latin word Porto.   Porto means "I carry".   This student went above and beyond: 1.  The porter did not comport himself...

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Multiple users, one email.

I contacted the developers of WP courseware.   I want to know from them if it would be possible to register multiple users under one email.   Unfortunately, this is not going to be possible. Here is their reply: Unfortunately, this isn't possible since WordPress...

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The 15 commandments…

I am up late checking emails.   I'll be out for at least another hour or so.   One email list I subscribe to is Bob Bly's list.   Just found this fantastic advice from him while plowing through a long list of homeworks to grade: I think everyone who wants to be a kind...

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Latin Folder

Years ago I worked on a project.  I was trying to distill all of the Latin endings into a concise, condensed format.  I planned to turn the finished product into a folder my students could use during class.  They would have quick reference to all the complicated Latin...

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Lingua Latina kept me going.

Someone asked:  "Is there a particular grammar book for Latin that you would recommend reading and re-reading?" Here is my short answer: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg. Here is my long answer: I have looked for an answer to this question for years.  Really.  Years. I...

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Miscellaneous language advice.

I received this inquiry: "When reading the chapter ever day are they (we, I'm trying to do this with her) suppose to be reading in English, Latin or both? Also: We are using the Cassell's Latin Dictionary both Latin-English and English-Latin. Many of the vocabulary...

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Education via smartphone.

My students have the latest and greatest tools.   They have ipods, ipads, and idon’t know what else.   For someone who grew up in the 1980‘s, today’s tools are mind blowing.  The kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers of my childhood didn’t have access to...

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Flip your email.

I have several problems. First of all, I'm a procrastinator. Second, I receive about 100 emails a day. Combine both of these, and I've got a major problem. About a week ago, I discovered a helpful tip. I flipped my email. For years, I have always received newest email...

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Time to do the dishes!

Yesterday my son came home from a new job. He had been washing dishes all day at a restaurant. He's a smart, personable, driven, ambitious kid. I thought he could do better. I told him that I was a little surprised at his choice. "You're washing dishes in a...

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