I received this email:
We are homeschoolers studying Latin. We enjoy your program very much! My daughter would like to have a Latin Vulgate bible. We would like minimal commentary in the bible. Can you recommend one?
Thank you!
Here is my reply:
Glad to hear you are enjoying Visual Latin!
As for the Vulgate… I always recommend you start with free:
Here you will find a dramatized audio version (My favorite. I use this daily): https://live.bible.is/bible/LATNV1/MAT/1?audio_type=audio_drama
Here is another free online version: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/Biblia-Sacra-Vulgata-VULGATE/#booklist
And another: http://vulgate.org/
This one is fascinating, but difficult to use. It is a side by side English/Latin/Greek/Hebrew version: http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/poly/
If you want a physical copy, any of the versions on this page will do (they get expensive, though): https://amzn.to/3ekHNrO
This is the one I use: https://amzn.to/2NccgfR. Pretty expensive. But, I do like it.
Hope this helps!
You can find a free eBook format (.epub or .mobi) of the Vulgate at http://breviarium.srubarovi.cz/ .
That site has the roman missal and the divine office in Latin as well.