Greek Resources

Learning Greek can be pretty tough. On this page, I will post all the help I can find. If you discover any useful websites or links, feel free to share them with the rest of us!

I have used J. Gresham Machen’s classic New Testament Greek in class for years.  Though I have looked and looked for a clearer book on Greek, I haven’t found one that matches this one in simplicity.  

The reason I list this book (published in 1896) here is because someone has created an interactive series of tests online for this book where the students can earn (or lose) “drachmas” as they go. You may find it useful as you are learning ancient Greek grammar.

Here is the site:

The Gospel of Matthew read in modern Greek pronunciation.  I have listened to this more times than I can count.  This is the pronunciation I imitate.  The audio book is available as a free download from 

Click here:

For ancient, classical Greek, this is the text I have always used.  I’ve looked for something better and found nothing so far.  My students and I have only made it through the first book, but I have included both here for those who want to go beyond on their own.

For those who have finished Athenaze 1 and are ready for more!  Athenaze 2 takes students deeper into ancient Greek.


Learn Greek “from scratch” or review fundamentals with twenty-six “Learn Greek” video lectures, which are keyed to D.A. Black’s, Learn to Read New Testament Greek, 3rd e

A Whitaker’s Words for Greek. . . sort of . . . can be found here.

Pronunciation Help

You could hire your own native speaking tutor right here: 

Short on cash?  Perhaps these videos will help:

Learning Greek can be pretty tough. On this page, I will post all the help I can find. If you discover any useful websites or links, feel free to share them with the rest of us! Here are some to get you started:

DuoLingo has a great Greek course for beginners! If you are going through the Greek course in DuoLingo, you are going to need to learn to type in Greek.  This may help:

Help your student pick the major that fits them best based on their personality type.