I received this question:
My daughter has had Henle Latin for a year and a half through Classical Conversations. We are currently moving to another state and so we have to withdraw her from the Classical Conversations class she is in. Since I am no Latin scholar, can she join this class mid year?
Here is my reply:
All classes are recorded, so you’re not really “late”. 🙂 You will just need to schedule a little time to catch up.
I start classes in August so that we can get through the entire book in one year. It’s a bit ambitious but, I find it’s better to rip the Band-Aid off rapidly.
We are currently in chapter 25. We move at the rate of one chapter per week. This enables the class to finish that book in one year. Students can then move on to something more interesting.
If that rate is too fast, or if your daughter is not yet year Chapter 25 it may not matter. I record everything I teach. She can always start from the chapter she is currently reading. Subscribers to my site have access to all of those videos. Currently, I have over 400 videos on my site. Most of them are Latin instruction videos.
In fact, I have many students who use the videos alone to learn Latin. They don’t even attend the live classes.
Let me know if you need more help!