This year, I am teaching a Latin course for students in Classical Conversations. We are reading through the text First Year Latin, by Robert Henle.
In his series, particularly in the first book, Mr. Henle requires students to diagram some of the Latin sentences.
Personally, I enjoy diagramming sentences, and would be happy to do this with my online students, but, time constraints will not allow it.
For this reason, I started a new series on the Visual Latin You Tube page. Naturally, I named it, “Diagramming Sentences.”
Each short video explains how to diagram one new grammar concept. First, I introduce the new grammar concept. After that, we look at 5 or 6 sentences. We analyze and parse each sentence, then diagram each sentence, then translate each sentence.
It will take me a while to get through the entire text of First Year Latin, but, that’s okay. Anything worth achieving takes time. My only regret is that I did not start earlier. Currently, my online students are in chapter 16 of Mr. Henle’s book, and, in the new series, I have diagrammed sentences through only chapter 3.
The series will certainly be helpful to future classes. Perhaps my current students will find the new series to be a helpful review.
By the way, the new series is helpful even to those not studying Latin. After all, each sentence is analyzed and parsed and diagrammed in English first. Only then do I translate the sentences into Latin.
Interested in boosting your knowledge of English? Struggling with the challenging Henle Latin books? Check out the series here:
or, here: