You subscribe to my “tip of the week” and I appreciate that. I really do. It’s a small thing, but it means a lot to me. In person, I am generally taciturn. After twenty years in the classroom, and after twenty years of thinking on my feet, I find it relaxing to now think on paper.
So, thanks for listening.
Like you, I also subscribe to mailing lists. I receive weekly emails too. This week, Tim Ferris (of Four Hour Work Week fame) sent out a tech tip that I felt I just had to pass on to you guys.
It’s a simple thing, I know, but since I use YouTube to teach myself so much, it was kind of a huge thing for me.
Here goes. Turns out, you can jump forward and backward on YouTube.
To go back 10 seconds, press J.
To pause, press K.
To jump forward 10 seconds press L.
Here’s a bit more from Tim:
“This might not seem like much, but it’s incredibly helpful when moving around in longer videos (or audio on YT) or trying to repeat what you just saw/heard, as clicking on the progress bar itself can lead to jumping around in 4-5-minute increments.”
So true.
This was a big moment for me this week. I wanted to share my moment with you. I hope you find it helpful.
By the way, I am still teaching a free, live etymology class every morning (except Sundays).
On Friday, I foolishly allowed the link to lapse. If ever this happens again, check my blog, and the Visual Latin Facebook page. I quickly posted the links there when I realized my mistake.
Anyway, here is the link for the next 30 days or so:…/5460760071755583747
The live class is available to anyone. Recordings, unfortunately, are only available to those who have subscribed to my site:
I hope your new year is off to a great start!