Every now and then, I run across a student who actually wants to read the old Roman writings.
This morning, I received this email:
My kids were your students this last school year. They both did Henle. They both fizzled out because of various things…and once they were a little behind, it kind of became Latin and Math that got pushed to the side. My daughter would still like to finish her course. She says that she likes the Henle because it’s not Latin for modern reading/vocabulary. She wants to read actual ancient writings in Latin. Do you have any thoughts on what she is saying? Is there a Latin book that she would love more and still be able to learn Latin for the ancient writings? She said she loved your class. Sorry for the million questions.
Here is my reply:
In December I switched my site to a subscription site. Now, when you subscribe, instead of paying for individual classes, there is one rate per family. This means that your kids could both join any live classes and also have access to all of the recordings from the past.
In your daughter’s case, this means that she could join any Henle class that she wanted to repeat, and she could also join any Lingua Latina classes that I teach. This year I am teaching a course called Roma Aeterna (eternal Rome). The book is written by Hans Ørberg, author of Lingua Latina.
I have never taught the book before, so this class is a bit experimental. However, it may be just what she is looking for. It is basically a compilation of ancient Roman authors talking about Roman history. I highly recommend that students who join this class first complete Lingua Latina.
I recommend this for simple mathematical reasons. Henle 1 teaches students about 400 Latin words. Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg teaches students almost 2000 Latin words. Lingua Latina obviously gives a much stronger foundation for Roma Aeterna.