You can join EVERY CLASS I teach with ONE simple subscription option. That’s correct. Subscribe once and you will have access to each and every class I teach.
Not only that, all subscriptions are FAMILY subscriptions. Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll.
I will do the math for you. If you subscribe for $25 a month, you are going to join all of my classes for $300 a year. Double that if you want me to grade your work, which I will be doing personally. I do not hire anyone to help me. I sometimes spend as many as 6, or 7 hours a day grading.
Shop around. Most online Latin courses cost $600 or more per student. Got three kids? Great. You will be paying $1,800 this year for Latin. $1,800 for a language you will likely never speak. C’mon. I know you have better things to do with your money.
I charge per family. Got three kids? You will be paying $300 this year for Latin. Got seven kids? $300. Got 12 kids? $300. Got 19 kids and counting? Hey, what are the Duggars doing on my site? Don’t you have better things to do?
Most online Latin courses are on a six, or seven-year plan. Please. Don’t spend seven years studying a language you will likely never speak.
I have an ambitious goal. I want you to be able to read the New Testament in Latin in two years. It can be done. I have personally taught hundreds of students to read the New Testament within two years.
Warning, my classes are not easy.
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