Language Classes, Learning Strategies, and Q&A Forums

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“You have superpowers!

I know this because you can transform kids from haters of Latin to lovers of Latin!”  – Kimberly

Schedule 2024-2025

Ready to Join?  Click here.

Example Classes



2024-2025 Schedule

Fall Break: October 6-12

Thanksgiving Break: November 24-30

Christmas/New Years: December 15-January 5

Spring Break March 9- 15

Summer Break: May 18 – September 2

To see current classes, click the button below.

Thinking of becoming a member?  Keep reading…

Latin  (and Greek, French, Spanish and German) to All  of Your Children For One Monthly Price.  

(Cancel any time.)

I have studied languages for over 30 years. 

I study and teach Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, German, and when I have time,  Italian. 

However, my specialty is Latin.   I have taught Latin for decades.

On this site, you can learn Latin. 

As a bonus, you can also learn Greek, German, French, Spanish, some Italian, a good bit of English grammar.  You can also learn the roots of much of English vocabulary.

The point is, I teach a lot of classes.  Just cannot stop myself. 

I love learning languages.  And, I am inviting you to join me.

When you join this site, you will have access to every class I teach. 

In fact, your entire family can join every class I teach online with one monthly subscription.

Subscribe once and you will have access to every class I teach. 

Here is the current schedule:

Remember, all subscriptions are family subscriptions.  Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll for one monthly price.


Shop around.  Most online Latin courses cost $600 or more per student.

Got three kids?  You will be paying $1,800 this year for Latin. 

$1,800 a year for Latin?  I know you have better things to do with your money.

On this site, your entire family will have access to all of the classes.  


Got three kids?  $25 a month.  Got six kids? $25 a month.  

Many online Latin courses take six or seven-year years to complete.

Please…  Why spend seven years and thousands of dollars studying a language you will likely never speak?  

Six years of Latin at $500 (average annual price of an online Latin class per child) equals $6,000!  That’s for one kid!

Got two kids? $12,000!

Got three kids? $18,000!  On second thought . . . maybe I should charge per child.

I have an ambitious goal.

I want your student to be able to read the New Testament in Latin in two years.

It can be done.

I have personally shown hundreds of students how to do it.

If you spend two years in the Lingua Latina classes on my site, you will be reading the New Testament in Latin.   

Total cost? $600.

Got two kids? $600.

Got three kids? $600.

And, here’s something even better (for you)…

Stay Subscribed to this Site for Three Uninterrupted Years and this Site Will Stop Charging.

You will have a Lifetime subscription to my site.

You will have a Lifetime subscription to all the classes I teach… for yourself and for all of your kids!


I should warn you, though.  The online Latin classes are not easy.   

For this reason, I have a few recommendations.

If you have never studied Latin… you might want to first take my video course Visual Latin from Compass Classroom.

(Unfortunately, Visual Latin is not included with a subscription to my site.)


Or, you might consider learning Italian, Spanish, or French first.

Visual Latin, Italian, Spanish, or French will pave the way for the Latin classes I offer.

If you are a little confused, let me explain.

I teach Latin in two places.  I teach Latin via the video course Visual Latin.  And, I teach more advanced Latin classes on this site.

Option 1: Visual Latin Video Course From

Best for Students 13 and Under Who Are New to Latin

Visual Latin is a full 2-year Latin course I produced with Compass Classroom.

Visual Latin includes videos, workbooks, tests and everything you need to learn the grammar of Latin.

If your student is new to Latin, this is the place they should start.

In fact, Visual Latin is all most students will need.  Visual Latin counts as two years of high school Latin.   Many students take Visual Latin, get the high school requirements out of the way, and move on.

Some students, however, decide they actually like Latin. 

If a student likes Latin and wants to keep going, the classes on this site will help.   To find out about those classes, keep reading. 


(Clicking this button takes you to Compass Classroom where you will find the Visual Latin Course.)

Option 2: Online Classes Here at

This option is best for Students Who Have Completed Visual Latin Above or,

for students plodding their way through the Henle Latin series.

For students who have completed Visual Latin or for students have taken Latin elsewhere and want to go deeper, the classes on  this site may help.

For students who are making their way through the Henle Latin series… and want help, the classes on this site will help. 

For $25 per month, you’ll have access to hundreds of previous classes on this site.  Currently, there are over 3,000 videos and climbing.  On average, I add five new videos a day.  

You will also have access to each and every live class I teach each week.

For a list of the current live classes, click here:

Not sure about joining?

I have been teaching these classes for a long time.  Students love them.

But, why take my word for it?

See what others say.