This week, I received a happy email:

*Fan mail*   I am a CC Director working through our first year of Henle, and I’ve been so grateful for your Watch Anytime options.    I am *enjoying* learning Latin myself, and for all that we love/hate about Henle, I’m grateful for the orderly approach, and the way that you disarm and unpack the concepts along the way.   Visual Latin has been awesome, and we are about to embark on Lingua Latina.

With your encouragement, I’ve started using Latin in my Bible study, and it has been so rich and added so much depth to my understanding (and more questions to bring into my time with God…).  I’m excited to start reading the gospels in Latin with my kids, word by word, with our morning time. I love to see their confidence grow as they realize how much they actually know, and are capable of figuring out!  (File this under “people actually do what you suggest and it works….”)

I also extend my respect and appreciation for how hard to are working as an entrepreneur, voice in the education community, and creative thinker as you deliver a great resource and experience online.   As a parent/teacher, I am trying to do fewer things but very well, and Latin is on the “we’re going to do this well” list.  In that endeavor, I am grateful for your space in our toolbox.  Cheers and thanks!
And here is what lots of other people are saying: