I received this question:
I have a Henle I and II students at home. They both have reached a point where they need additional support. I don’t need you to grade their work, I’m keeping up with that and as you say it makes me better at Latin, too. I am a tutor with Classical Conversations so I have learned a bit. I would like to sign them both up to have access to your videos/recorded classes. What should I register for? Thank you!
Here is my reply:
I basically have two options. With grading, or without.
If you sign up for the monthly subscription, or annual subscription (which is a bit cheaper), you will have access to not only the Henle Latin classes that I teach, but you will have access to every other class I teach as well.
You will also have access to the live classes on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays if you are interested. The Henle classes take place on Wednesdays afternoons (central time zone).
If you decide to join, just go here and scroll down a bit: https://dwanethomas.com/henle-latin-online-classes/
Let me know if you have any more questions!
Have a happy Monday!