I received this inquiry:

“If we strive for passing the NLE Level 2, which I am hope translates to a level 2 language equivalent in French, Spanish, etc (?), what additional materials may be necessary, if any, once a student has completed your Lesson 60?

I have another question also, one I hope others may also find interesting.

As someone who loves great, tried and true, even classical sources, what is it about the Hans Orberg book that compels you? Your answer may help me encourage my daughter to keep at it in the difficult times!

Also, Peter Kreeft once commented that 9 out of 10 times he can recognize whether or not someone has studied Latin by reading his English (see “What is Classical Education?”, Memoria Press). He argues that it is in knowing another language that we develop a great command over our own.”

Here is my reply:


As soon as your daughter is done with Visual Latin, have her start reading!

This is from page 55 of my ebook, Via:

More Books you could read in Latin…

Naturally, there are other books you could read to learn Latin. Unfortunately, only a few of them are audio books.  Here are some of my favorites:

For Beginners:

1. Cornelia by Mima Maxey

2. Carolus et Maria by Marjorie Fay

3. Julia by Maud Reed

4. Lingua Latina by Hans Orberg

For Intermediates:

1. Ora Maritima by E. A. Sonnenschein

2. Fabilae Faciles by Francis Ritchie

3. De America, by Herbert Nutting

4. Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg

5. Viri Romae by Charles Llomond

There is more, for advanced students available in Via, but, that should get her going for now.  

As for why I prefer Lingua Latina over every other textbook…

It’s simple really.  When he appeared on the scene, Christ spread his message via stories.  

Most textbooks are filled with tedious, dull English explanations of compicated Latin grammatical features.  Hans Ørberg showed up and told stories.  Lingua Latina is a well crafted story.  Give it a try.  Your daughter will enjoy it.  It is tough, yes, but it is enjoyable.  Most textbooks are just tough.

Interesting comment by Mr. Kreeft.  Read the article.  I wonder…

I prefer Hemmingway’s thoughts on the subject myself.  William Faulkner once commented on Hemmingway’s use of the small, old Germanic words.  Hemmingway responded,

“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.”

That, incidentally, is my modus operandi.  Every thing I write, I write to my students (in my head).  If they would understand me, I am happy.
