Is this a joke, or no? I can’t tell.

Local Christian Parents Pay University $100,000 To Totally Destroy 18 Years Of Their Hard Work May 25th, 2021 – BOSTON, MA—According to sources, local parents Dale and Cherie Woodall are shelling out over $100,000 to send their son Dillan to...

All the pronouns in Lingua Latina chapter 8.

A few weeks ago, I received this email: I’m befuddled and hope you can offer some suggestions.  Up through chapter seven of Lingua Latina, I was making myself flashcards of new words. Plus, I’ve also got six cards showing endings for the six cases.  With review, I’m...

How to learn multiple languages as an adult

I received this question: Comment: Hi! I am curious how many languages you are actively learning at one time, and then also how much time you spend every day maintaining the languages you’ve already learned. You have so many languages on your site; do you work on all...

Tip #146

When I was first making the transition from classroom teaching to online teaching, I designed my own website.  And, it looked like I designed my own website.   That’s okay.   I recommend doing the same thing if you are just starting out.  Do as much as you can...

Before you learn Latin, count the cost.

I received this question: Hi!  We are LOVING Visual Latin 1. However, we are considering homeschooling our almost-10-year-old son as well and I am curious: what Latin program would you recommend using before Visual Latin 1? Thanks so much!   Here is my reply:...

Visual Latin and the National Latin Exam

The National Latin exam is a tricky thing.  Imagine taking thirty students, and teaching them to work on cars.  Each student is trained only on one car.  One student learns to repair Hondas.  One student learns to repair Jeeps.  One student learns to repair Volvos,...

Tip #145: How to learn faster

Over the next few months, I am compiling the old tips of the week.  Here’s another.  This one is from August 10, 2019. ================================================= If you are trying to learn something new, and if you are using audiobooks or videos to do so,...

Spanish 2?

I received this question: Hi there.  My son has taken and Spanish I class and would like to take a Spanish 2 class starting next fall.  Are you going to be offering a level 2 Spanish class?   Here is my reply: The short answer is, yes.   It’s a little...

She didn’t take my advice. :-)

Pretty much every day, I get the same email.   Essentially, it goes like this: “My kids are struggling with Henle Latin, and they are bored.   Is there anything else we can do?” I usually recommend switching to Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg. This mom chose...

Tip #144: Money back.

I am in the process of loading lost “tips of the week” into my site.  I sent this one out in August of 2019.  It may no longer apply. ================================================= Remember some time ago, when the guys in charge of our credit scores,...

Tip #195: Free Courses

I am not a big fan of social media.  But, I do like to use Instagram for research.   Since Instagram knows what I am interested in (scary, I know) it sends me suggestions. One of my interests is generating extra income online. Instagram is always suggesting I check...

Tip # 194:

Over the next few months, I am compiling (and archiving) the past “tips of the week”.  About 40 are missing from my site. Here is the latest: ================================================= This week, I was reminded of a site I had forgotten about.  A...

Why you absolutely must go to college

Just in case you needed reminders, here is why you must go to college.  No questions asked. This is from the Babylon Bee.  It’s satire, my friends.  And, it would be funnier if it weren’t so true. ================================================= We did...

Tip #143: Commit publicly.

This summer, I am archiving the missing “tips of the week”.   I sent this one on July 27, 2019. If you are having a hard time getting something done, commit to it publicly.   This can be pretty risky, so, careful with this one.  You might commit to...

Tip #142: A Good Life

Tip #142.  I sent this one out on May 31st, 2019: I know it has been a while since you heard from me.  I haven’t sent out a weekly email in months.  There are lots of reasons, mostly technical.  I think I have solved the problem… with the help of my friend...

Tip 141: Don’t text google back.

Quick note this morning.  I am about to get on the road to head to Birmingham, Alabama for a bit. Evidently, there is a pretty popular scam out there right now.   “Google” will text your phone asking for a verification code.  Don’t respond!  Google...

Tips of the week

I have been posting a “Tip of the Week’ since January of 2015. I try to send one out every Saturday morning.   From time to time, I miss the deadline. Anyway, there are now about 190 “tips” archived on my site.  They are here:...

From Henle Latin to Lingua Latina

I received this question: Hi Dwayne. I’ve tried to read thoroughly through the FAQ below, but still have a couple of specific questions for you. (Also, we are currently members of your website and have used it as my son works through Henle 1 via CC this year.)...

Help me pay my taxes.

Guys, I need help paying my taxes. And, it turns out Compass is having a sale this week. So, if you need help homeschooling your kids, and you want to do it at a discount, and you want to help me, then you know what to do. Check out the sale by clicking here: Compass...

Master the morning

If you struggle to get to work, or school on time, this may help. This tip is easy to understand, but tough to implement. Here it is:  Get ready the night before.   Take a look at all the things that slow you down in the morning when you are trying to get out of the...

Should you memorize all those Latin pronouns?

I received this question: My daughter is a freshman taking your Visual Latin I course.  She was wondering if you have any tips for memorizing the “qu” pronouns in Lesson 14.  She is really good at memorizing things, but is struggling with these because...

Two new tests

For those who are in my online classes, Spanish Test 10 (All Spanish Method by Guillermo Aviles), and Test 9 for Third Year Latin by Robert Henle are now up.  Please let me know if you find any mistakes.

French test 14 is up.

Test 14 for Le Français par la Métode Nature is now up on my site.  If you are taking the French “class” with me, and you spot any mistakes in the test, please let me know.

After Latin? AP Latin? A new language?

I received this question: My tenth grader is about to finish Roma Aeterna this year, and I was wondering your recommendation for what should come next? I’d love to find an AP Latin prep course, but they all look prohibitively expensive. Do you have other...