Tip 141: Don’t text google back.

Quick note this morning.  I am about to get on the road to head to Birmingham, Alabama for a bit. Evidently, there is a pretty popular scam out there right now.   “Google” will text your phone asking for a verification code.  Don’t respond!  Google...

Tips of the week

I have been posting a “Tip of the Week’ since January of 2015. I try to send one out every Saturday morning.   From time to time, I miss the deadline. Anyway, there are now about 190 “tips” archived on my site.  They are here:...

From Henle Latin to Lingua Latina

I received this question: Hi Dwayne. I’ve tried to read thoroughly through the FAQ below, but still have a couple of specific questions for you. (Also, we are currently members of your website and have used it as my son works through Henle 1 via CC this year.)...

Help me pay my taxes.

Guys, I need help paying my taxes. And, it turns out Compass is having a sale this week. So, if you need help homeschooling your kids, and you want to do it at a discount, and you want to help me, then you know what to do. Check out the sale by clicking here: Compass...

Master the morning

If you struggle to get to work, or school on time, this may help. This tip is easy to understand, but tough to implement. Here it is:  Get ready the night before.   Take a look at all the things that slow you down in the morning when you are trying to get out of the...

Should you memorize all those Latin pronouns?

I received this question: My daughter is a freshman taking your Visual Latin I course.  She was wondering if you have any tips for memorizing the “qu” pronouns in Lesson 14.  She is really good at memorizing things, but is struggling with these because...

Two new tests

For those who are in my online classes, Spanish Test 10 (All Spanish Method by Guillermo Aviles), and Test 9 for Third Year Latin by Robert Henle are now up.  Please let me know if you find any mistakes.

French test 14 is up.

Test 14 for Le Français par la Métode Nature is now up on my site.  If you are taking the French “class” with me, and you spot any mistakes in the test, please let me know.

After Latin? AP Latin? A new language?

I received this question: My tenth grader is about to finish Roma Aeterna this year, and I was wondering your recommendation for what should come next? I’d love to find an AP Latin prep course, but they all look prohibitively expensive. Do you have other...

Letter of the week

This made me happy: I cannot thank you enough!  You have reinvigorated our love for learning and our perception of time and difficulty. You are a shining example to my children and I. Thank you for sharing of yourself and skills so willingly. Last fall was our third...

Errata: Visual Latin, Test 35, Question 15

I received this question: Dear Dwane, Could you help explain the quiz answer for #15? Alii puero   A) the other boy B) of the other boy C) to the other boy D) with the other boy A dear child is sure that the correct answer is A) the other boy and not C. Help!  ...

I messed up

Guys, The month crept up on me. (I think this happens every February). Anyway, the class expired. You will need to re-register. Just go here and click on the link for the classes marked “connect now”: https://dwanethomas.com/live-classes/ Unfortunately, as a student...

And, here we go again.

Still not internet service where I teach, guys.  Still no word, no updates from AT&T. So, three things. First, no classes tomorrow.  🙁 Second, just keep reading.  Maybe use this as a time to catch up. Third, if you have snow where you are, go sledding! Hope you...

Sigh. No classes on Tuesday, February 16 either.

Still no internet at the office I use to teach.  Middle Tennessee is covered in ice and snow, and I guess AT&T just wasn’t prepared. I hate cancelling classes, guys, but here we go again.  Maybe Wednesday. Hope you are having a great day!  And, if there is...

No classes on Monday, February 15, 2021

Guys, the internet is down at my office.  It’s neighborhood-wide. We are in the middle of an ice storm, and Tennessean’s don’t handle ice storms well.  I guess AT&T doesn’t either. Anyway… no class in the morning.  If you get this in...

Flash cards for Lingua Latina

I received this question: Hi there!  At the beginning of the school year, we found digital vocabulary flashcards for Lingua Latina lessons on your site that we could flip through on the computer or print out.  They had pictures. We can not remember where they were,...

Free coffee and a new ‘class’!

Each weekday, on my site, I upload four new videos.  Two for Latin.  One for Spanish and one for French. I also try to load one new test a week for each course.  Writing tests is a time consuming, tedious process.  It also tends to be pretty boring. To change things...

Consider dropping out.

College, for me, was a waste of time.  I naively did what I was told.  I did what every high school graduate was supposed to do.  I went to college. It was a four-year delay of game. At least that’s all it was.  I have friends and family who are now strapped...

When High-School and College-Drop Out Does Not Equal Dumb

I found this short article very encouraging.  I don’t know how it is where you live, but in the South… it’s all school, school, school. Where did you go to school?  Where are you going to go to school?  Where are you going to go to college?  Where...

It all adds up…

Good and evil both increase at compound interest.  That is why the little decisions you and I make ever day are of such infinite importance.  The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to...

A schedule change for the live classes.

I am extending the holiday break just a bit, everyone. Spanish and Third Year Latin by Robert Henle classes will resume on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. French and Exercitia Latina classes will resume on Thursday, January 14, 2021 Second Year Latin by Robert Henle...

The Economic Optimism of A Christmas Carol

Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned: they cost enough: and those who are badly off must go...