I’m back… I hope.

I haven’t blogged in the longest time.  There are lots of reasons.  I am not going to get into them. I will say that Henle Latin is one of the big reasons.  I teach it because I know it helps so many of my students.  But, I am not a big fan.  It drains me...

Losing my voice

Guys, I know I haven’t posted here in forever.  Just trying to get in touch with all of my students. Just tried to teach my first class of the morning and my voice didn’t make it.  Not my month, as it turns out.  It’s been a rough one. I am...

God Bless America?

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized abortion. Matt Drudge summed up the attitude of America quite well: “There will be over 3,500 killed in USA today from abortion. No flags lowered, no presidents crying. No media hyperventilating....

We’ve been fooled!

I have subscribed to Robert Kiyosaki’s email list for years. I am a big fan of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  In fact, there is a standing offer in my house.  If my kids read the book and talk to me about it, I will give them $100. This morning, while catching up...

Schedule and Status update

I’ve been quiet on my blog for a bit.  Christmas break and all that, you know? I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! And, now this post will take an updatey turn.  Updatey is a real word, by the way.  I just made it up, used it twice, and published it on the...

Fascinating conversation.

I watched this some time ago, and to be honest, I am reposting it here for myself.  I use my blog as a storage facility.   Whenever I run across something that fascinates me, I often store it here. You are always welcome to rummage around in my “storage...

Brace yourself.

Sooo… This is incredible.  Author Tim Ferriss posted this today on his Twitter feed. This skater is…. blind. This is incredible. Time to take another vacation from my excuses… https://t.co/69PArvnFBg — Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) December 2,...

Wifi troubles.

I tried to teach several classes this morning, but to no avail. I am going to attempt the Lingua Latina classes that start in a half hour, or so… but, no guarantees. I came out to the mountains of East Tennessee for a few days… and, just haven’t had...

Well, shucks.

I am out in east Tennessee… in the mountains. Turns out, that’s a problem.  The wifi isn’t that great. So, I missed some classes this morning.  Going to try again tomorrow… but, no guarantees. No worries.  If it doesn’t work, I will...

The Gallic Bore.

Every year, I take students through Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars.  We are back at it again. Before I say anything else, let me point something out… something that I point out all the time. The New Testament is under constant attack by scholars.  It...

The primary reason most people are not rich.

I am reading another book by Robert Kiyosaki.  (I am a big fan of his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.) Fake, his latest book, exposes the underbelly of the government’s financial shenanigans, and the ridiculousness of the government school system. Warning.  The...

Where we are in the books: December 2 – 7

We are back!  Classes resume tomorrow, December 3, 2019. I may cancel the early morning classes only from December 11 – 14.  We will see.  I will let you know. There will be no classes at all from December 23 – January 4.  Classes will resume January 7,...

Monday morning classes cancelled again.

I go back and forth on the early Monday morning First Year Latin class.  I know.  I know. I am cancelling them again. During the month of December, my wife and I will be serving breakfast at the Nashville rescue mission.  Breakfast starts at 5:30 am… so, the...

Which Latin Bible do you recommend?

I received this question: I want to buy my daughter a Latin Bible.  We are not Catholic, so I don’t have any experience with the different versions. If you do, would you recommend the Clementine or Jerome translation? What about a French Bible? If we want to use...

High school credit.

I get high school credit questions all the time. I could reply to the credit question.  Or, I could let someone else handle this one for me.  This response, by Susan Wise Bauer, is the best response I have seen:...

Why colleges are going down the drain.

I try not to repost too much.  After all, I know some of you are reading the same things I am reading.  I don’t like wasting your time.  Though… I really like wasting my own time.  But, that’s another story. Anyway, this post by James Altucher made...

Where we are in the books: November 18-23

Reminder: There will be no classes on Tuesday, November 26 and Thursday, November 28.  There will be morning classes (First Year Latin by Robert Henle only) that week for anyone who wants to show up. ================================================= First Year...

Just didn’t feel like typing.

I received this question: My daughter is using your Henle Latin I videos to help her through her Classical Conversations Latin class.  We have heard that it is super important to memorize the principal parts of each verb.  In your videos it sounds like you don’t...

Where we are in the books: November 3 – 9

Reminder: There will be no classes on Tuesday, November 26 and Thursday, November 28.  There may be morning classes that week for anyone who wants to show up.  Maybe. ================================================= First Year Latin by Robert Henle In the early...

What I teach my own kids If I could start over

I received this question: I have worked through Memoria Press’s  Prima Latina, First Form Latin, and Second Form Latin with my high school age students, and we are a few lessons into Third Form.  Honestly, it’s become a bit of a slog and I don’t...

Why am I just now learning about this podcast?

A few weeks ago, I recommend a book, Skip College: Launch Your Career Without Debt, Distractions, or a Degree. Naturally, it got me into some trouble.  Lost some subscribers.  Made some enemies. But, it also encouraged some people.  Made some new friends.  Opened some...