Can you learn a language by watching TV?

Several years ago, my wife was talking a young woman from the French speaking section of Switzerland. The Swiss woman spoke with impeccable English. My wife asked her… “Where did you learn English?” She smiled.  “I like the show Friends.  For...

Standing ovation for Kristina.

Kudos to Fully Raw Kristina for being willing, and bold enough, to take a public stand where few are willing to take a public stand. Though this conversation may feel a bit awkward, I recommend all of my high school students watch this. In our culture, this is a...

Should we continue on in Henle Latin?

I received this question (a variation on one of the most common questions on my site): I am considering using your program for my family next year and would like guidance on which class to use. My son is a rising 7th grader and this year took Latin from an excellent...

Letter of the week. :-)

“I would like to thank you for providing a wonderful resource for homeschool students studying Latin. Prior to finding out about your website, my son, who was a ninth grader in Classical Conversations, struggled daily with getting through his Latin, both with...


I received this question: Are you still planning to go through a Spanish version of Lingua Latina next year? Brent has expressed an interest in learning it after he finishes this book. If we can stick with your instruction, that would be great because it works for...

Travel tip: What to do after you land.

As I get older, jet lag takes more and more out of me. There are several ways to fight it. First of all, and this is probably obvious, try to stay awake until bedtime.  In other words, if you generally go to bed around 10 pm, try to stay awake until 10 pm in the new...

Jet lag and emails.

I haven’t blogged in a few days.  Nor have I responded to many emails. Last Saturday, one of my daughters and I flew to Dublin, Ireland.  She is visiting with friends an hour, or so, north of the city, and I am locked up in the cheapest, most Spartan room I...

Henle Latin during the summer?

I received this question: My kids are doing Classical Conversations and I am very interested in this program.  Will this program follow the Henley along with the CC program?  Also, is there a summer program or a way to start the program in the summer? Here is my...

Allergies win.

Guys, I am closing down the rest of the morning classes. I will teach the etymology class until Friday of this week, then I am shutting it down as well. I am heading overseas on Saturday for work.  I may attempt to teach from over there, but we will see. Allergies in...

I just keep trying

Even though I know better, I just keep trying to teach during allergy season.  For me, the month of May.  Tried again this morning.  Can barely breath.  Cancelling Greek and First Year Latin this morning.  I am sorry, guys.  Ugh.  THIS is why I usually move to Greece...

Could I see an example class?

Visual Latin is a professionally filmed series.  I do not personally sell it.  It is available here from Compass Classroom. Once they have completed Visual Latin many of my students want to further their Latin studies.  That’s where this site comes in. Every...

Letter of the week. :-)

A student sent this to me at the end of the school year.  Made me very happy. “Thank you Dwane for a wonderful year of Orberg Latin! A first for me. Even though there were a couple of days I had to miss, the online access will be of great help to rewatch.  As...

Where can I listen to Latin?

I received this question: I read you suggestion to listen to 10 minutes of Latin a day. Suggestions on where to get some audio? Here is my reply: When it comes to Latin pronunciation, scholars will talk your ears off.  And, they will get pretty frustrated when you get...

Still sick

No reason for you guys to log in this morning just to listen to me cough.  Will try again tomorrow.  I apologize, my friends.


I have dedicated my life to the study of languages.  I will die before I finish, of that I am certain. The reason is simple.  There is too much to learn.  No one person can grasp it all. Last week, a student in the daily etymology class tipped me off to a language...


Just finished teaching the early morning etymology class.  Cancelled the rest of this morning’s classes.  Thought I could teach sick, but can’t.   The first class didn’t go so well.  Back tomorrow.  I am sorry, guys.  Some sickness is running through...

Summer school?

I received this question: Do we still have access to the website to go back and work on chapters? We have enjoyed the class and will look forward to doing it again next year.   Here is my reply: Yep. There are quite a few things about my site people find hard to...

Bored in school? Don’t despair.

I have followed Robert Kiyosaki for years.  I have read his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad many times.  And, I have played his game, Cashflow, more times than I can count. Like most people, I grew up with a negative view of the rich.  It was a story by Robert Kiyosaki that...

Latin? Time to move on?

I received this question: I would like your advice. My son will be homeschooling for the first time next year. He has had one year of some type of Latin grammar then he’s taken Jenney’s First Year Latin and just finished Wheelock’s. If grades are any indication, he’s...