The Grammar Method Or The Natural Method?

I didn’t have this ready Saturday, so I am showing up in your email on Monday. It’s October.  By now, quite a few of you are struggling with Latin.  Especially Henle Latin.  I know.  I get the emails. Just so you know, I take students through Henle Latin...

A rare, last minute cancellation…

My wife is out of town, and tomorrow morning, I am taking my girls to cross-country practice. I am sorry to say that I will have to cancel the following classes: Word Up: Live The Book of the Month Italian 2 New Testament Greek First Year Latin by Robert Henle Third...

How To Cure Writer’s Block.

I didn’t send a “tip of the week” last Saturday.  Nor, did I send one the Saturday before that. Honestly, I just couldn’t think of anything to say.  So, I said nothing. I really try to come up with something useful for you guys every week....

How to pronounce Latin.

I apologize for the delay. Finally catching up this evening… Pronunciation is a tricky thing in Latin.  This is simply because no one knows for sure how it sounded.  The Romans left us no audio recordings.  They had plenty of time.  Their civilization lasted over...

Let’s settle this.

I received this note: some people say visual latin is sufficient for high school credit and others say it is not, and I am not very smart in this area as I took French many many many years ago. So, I feel pressured to do something in addition to visual latin to make...

Visual Latin pronunciation

I received this question: Also, with the pronunciation, it seems a little random. In 2C you had iratus pronounced eye-ray-toos, rather than more like ee-rah-toos. Also Lie-toos for laetus, which at least makes sense from a classical pronunciation. My kids seem pretty...

I apologize.

As some of you know, I am in the middle of a rather extensive demolition project these days. Long story short… I bought a house for my family ten (or so) years ago.  The county refused to accept the old septic tank and refused to allow me to add a new one. ...

How To Radically Propel Your Knowledge.

Years ago, I bought a small, run-down house in the country.  The plan was simple.  I was going to fix the place up and we were going to move into it. But, I was a house-buying rookie.  And, I made a rookie mistake.  The seller lied about the septic tank.  He said it...

Struggling with Dyslexia?

A friend of mine is an expert in dyslexia.  He has dealt with it all of his life, has studied dyslexia professionally, and has even written a book on the subject. On Wednesdays, he is offering a free series of classes.  If you have dealt with dyslexia, or if you know...

Which class do I join?

I received this question: Hello, I would like help “placing” my daughter in your classes. 15 YO, CC Ch II. We have struggled through Henle 1 in Ch A-I. She loved the learning in Ch A but interest has dropped since. I was very involved in Ch A (I was a...

Why I do not celebrate Federal holidays.

Yesterday was Labor Day.  I don’t celebrate Labor Day.  Or the fourth of July.  Or President’s Day.   A student emailed me, “Just curious, why do you not celebrate government holidays?” Here is my reply.  (Sent on Labor Day): Oh.  Lot’s of...

Challenge one and Latin 3?

I received this question: My son is in Challenge 1 with Classical Conversations.  Would he be ready for Latin 3 live class? Here is my reply: It depends.  I am not entirely familiar with the breakdown Classical Conversations uses, but here is how I break it all down. ...

Links for the live classes…

Links for the live Henle classes and the live Lingua Latina classes are good to go.  Feel free to register for the live classes.  Use this page: I am still working on the early morning classes and some possible Thursday classes. ...

Another note from my wife Gretchen.

A follow up to last week…here are some photos of what I did while Dwane was away.  He got home around midnight last night, driving almost straight through from Colorado to here, so he is taking the morning off again.  Hope you don’t mind if I share another thought...

Sorry. There is only one option.

I am often asked, “Can I pay for an entire year of your classes up front?”   I used to offer this option, with a discount. Unfortunately, I no longer offer the annual payment option.  I was shocked by how many people took advantage of the annual payment...

Oh, English.

I received this question: I can not figure out why mons is masculine. please explain. I googled and can not find my answer. from the rules I understand is that nouns ending in “s” are from the S-O-X rule and are feminine. Thanks,  A Home School Mama who is...

How to type with Macrons… if you want to.

It’s no secret.  I am no fan of Latin macrons.  Silly stumbling blocks, in my opinion. I am not alone in this thought.  Cheryl Lowe of Memoria Press doesn’t care for them either.  Read her thoughts in this excellent...

I’m back (with a brand new invention).

I’m back.  But, honestly, I don’t have a brand new invention.  I simply cannot think of the phrase “I’m back” without automatically thinking “…with a brand new invention.”  One of the many curses of growing up in the...