The Roman Villa

In Lingua Latina class today, we learned about the ancient Roman villa. Here are some videos/virtual tours of typical Roman villas of the first century A.D. (One of my students found these.  Thanks, Julia!) This first one is my personal favorite: A cut-away view: A...

The chilling actual purpose of modern schooling.

While doing some research for a recent rant, I came across the following article by John Taylor Gotto. ================================================= Against School by John Taylor Gatto I TAUGHT FOR thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in...

How many pages did you write?

Dwane Thomas’ Tip of the Week – November 4, 2017 ================================================= Are you a writer?  Do you sometimes wonder how much you are writing? Maybe that’s a strange question.  Let me explain.  Every week Grammarly sends me a...

Stolen Money.

Warning.  Rant coming. I am a hard-core opponent of the public school system.  But, let’s get something straight. I am not mad at the kids in the system.  They are victims.  Why would I be angry at the victims? Why am I so opposed to the public school system? ...

Italian v. Latin

I am currently teaching myself Italian (and loving it).  Here a native Italian speaker talks about the difference between Latin and Italian pronunciations....


“The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence, and so make them fit to discharge the duties of citizenship in an enlightened and independent manner....

Made me happy.

“I’m so grateful for your help and love your videos.  You are such a talented teacher and have helped me and my kids tremendously!” – Stacey  Want to see what others are saying?  Go here: Want to join a...

Safe You Tube

YouTube is an incredible place.  I am convinced you could use it to learn almost anything. Unfortunately, it can also be a dangerous place.  It is easy for kids to run across what they should not see. But, using, students can harness the power of...

Quod, quia, enim, and nam.

Students are often confused by the multiple forms of “because” in Latin.  A student posted the following helpful explanation in the forums: ================================================= I think I have figured out the difference between: “quia, quod,...

What to pack

Traveling can actually be quite a hassle.  Or, it can be a forced rest.  Sometimes, sitting on a plane with nothing to do sounds nice. Every time I travel, I am always envious of the the cool, carefree travelers with one backpack.  I am not envious when I watch the...

Finally back at it…

Over the weekend, I ended up sick.  I’ve been sleeping in and as a result, my productivity has plummeted.  If there is one silver bullet to my productivity is it summed up in the Spanish proverb: “A quien madrugada, Dios lo ayuda.” God helps those...

Closed until Tuesday

I will not be around for the next four days.  I will not be answering emails.  I will not be on the forums.  I will not be posting anything on my site.  I will not be sending a Tip of the Week. I will be in Houston with my son (yes, the one who nearly died six months...

I fight authority. Authority always wins.

Every few days, I receive an email from someone who needs me to grade their work. Every now and then, I receive an email from someone who really wants to learn Latin, Greek, or Italian. It’s a bit frustrating.  Grades overshadow everything.  90% of my students only...

Lesson 5 confusion

Some time ago, I received this message: Love the program so far. However, confused with Lesson 5 answers.  The charts in teacher’s worksheet do not match students’ and we are confused by answers for: #1 Why not ablative and vocative too? #2 Why just...

Exit interview

A subscriber canceled this week.  She left this note: “Thanks so much, and thanks for all your help in Latin, couldn’t have done it without you!” – Krystal That’s the kind of exit interview that makes me happy....


I received this question: To subscribe to Henle Latin 2, must I pay $25 for three years? That’s how I interpret the section on subscriptions. Here is my reply: Hi! Nope.  Join anytime.  Cancel anytime.  Most of my students stay with me for three or four years....

Brace yourselves.

Brace yourselves.  I am about to tick a lot of you off. When it comes to students, I deal with two types. Some of my students join my classes because they want to learn Latin, Greek, or Italian.  And, some of my students join my classes because they need a grade or a...

The Perfect Tense

In chapter 21 of Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg, we learn to use the perfect tense in Latin.  You may find this overview of the perfect tense helpful: Click to access...

Stop panicking.

I grew up with the worldview that everything was going to become increasingly worse until finally, the last few true believers would be pulled off the planet. After the rescue would come the apocalypse. I now believe that is nonsense. As Dr. Gary North says, “We...

If I am grading your work…

I don’t have much time to grade the work of my students these days.   But, over the past few years, I had committed to grading the work of many.  A few dozen of those students remain. If I had only girls in my classes, I might continue to grade.  But, that is...


I received this question: We are counting Henle 1 as high school credit. What do you recommend we assess for grades? I can grade the assignments you assign, there are your weekly quizzes – what else do you recommend? Also, how do you recommend I grade the weekly...

I’m back.

I took the last three weeks off.  Well… from writing a tip of the week.  Just couldn’t find the time. August is the busiest month of the year for me.   I spend most of my time getting ready for the upcoming courses, answering questions, registering...

Visual Latin lesson 4

I received this question: Today I completed Latin Worksheet 4C and I had a question concerning it. There were 20 or so Latin sentences for me to translate into English, and one of them was: “Terra non est.” My translation was: “Earth is not”,...

The home of Julius and Aemilia.

In chapter 6 of Lingua Latina, we learn about the home of Julius and Aemilia.  In the Lingua Latina forum, one of my students posted an excellent tour of a typical Roman home.  Watch this video and keep it in mind as you read chapter 6:  ...

None shall pass.

I received this cry for help: I am trying to join the forum and it is not intuitive on your site. I’ve done a search and it you posted a students reply about “making an account in the blog” but under the blog tab there is nothing about making an account. I have gone...