Just in case you were wondering.

I am willing to bet some of you woke up this morning wondering, “What is a hapax legomenon?” Fortunately, you subscribe to my blog.  And, fortunately, a word loving friend of mine sent this article to me this morning. And, so, fortunately for you…...


Last year, when I was grading my students’ work, I would get this response from time to time. I don’t know. Here is my standard reply: IDK.  If ever you encounter questions you cannot answer, check the “Student Answers” section under the “Members” tab of...

How to tick me off.

I spent twenty years in the classroom.  What a silly place. And, I hate the word silly.  I never use it.  Unless I am looking at academia. In school, we punish kids for failing. In life, we learn by failing. One of my favorite quotes is by Richard Branson, founder of...

I no longer want to be popular.

I received this email: Your classes…  I’d like to promote them…  Is there an affiliate link I may use?  (I’m a Visual Latin affiliate.) And, can folks try the classes for a month and then cancel if necessary?Thanks! Here is my reply: Yes.  Join...

I do not make these up. Promise.

Still trying to catch up on emails.  This one made me very happy! “As I’ve told you many times, you made Latin possible for this home schooled family!  When my daughter requested to study Latin, I was so against it.  I made her study Spanish.  With no interest,...

Fat chance. Oh well. It’s the thought that counts.

“Three years ago, our local football team here in Seattle won the NFL championship. Leading up to the Super Bowl game and afterward was an orgy of celebration, a non-stop display of team jingoism. Every other car, home, and shop had a “12th Man” banner. Half the...

At least it’s free!

It astonishes me that we believe the people who run the Department of Motor Vehicles are qualified to educate our children.  But, hey!  At least it’s free!  Kind of. Oh, wait a minute… I have paid $1500 a year in property taxes for 20 years.  Most of that goes to the...

These questions… again.

I received these questions: How many weeks is your class? (Does it somewhat correspond to the CC 30-week plan)? Do you assign homework and do you collect it/grade it? Will the homework correspond at all to the CC 30 week Latin I (Challenge I) curriculum? And just to...

Follow the title.

I received this question: Perfect – Ok so from reading your Q&A it sounds like keep my Henle kid in Henle 2 – and once she completes that she will have 3 years of Latin? Here is my reply: Slowly catching up.  Yes.  As best I can tell, it seems most...

This applies to many of my students…

I realized after I read your email that I needed to streamline.  If you are confused, many people are confused.  So, I have begun the process of cleaning up my site. I want everything to be crystal-clear to my students.     In the past, I left old classes up in case...

How to get into the live classes…

When you receive a receipt from my site, be sure to click on the blue SUBSCRIPTION link in the receipt. When the file downloads, open the file.  There you will find the links to the live classes. Access to the previous classes on my site is a different registration....

Need help?

Confused about classes? I will be offering another free Q and A orientation class tonight at 6 pm central time zone. Register here (just click on the link and enter your name and email): https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6416932763790514946...

Too late?

In class.  I will be teaching all morning.  I am unavailable.  If you did not register in time, I will be back to help this afternoon.  

It has come to this…

IMPORTANT! When you join a class, you should receive a link to a PDF.  Inside that PDF are the links to the live classes.  PLEASE verify that you have those before emailing me.  I may not be able to respond to you for days. The name of the link is SUBSCRIPTION.  It is...

Well… it has finally happened.

Tim Ferris (of Four-Hour Work Week Fame) has this note at the end of all of his emails: DUE TO VOLUME, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. SADLY, WE ARE UNABLE TO READ 1,000+ MESSAGES PER DAY. After putting it off for years, I am going to have to take the same action....

Summary of the Millionaire Next Door

Years ago, I read the Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley.  I remember thinking… “Is this a commentary on the book of Proverbs?” This morning, I ran across a summary of the book. Investment writer Mark Skousen wrote this:...

Do this.

August is a crazy busy month of the year for me. Last Saturday, I didn’t send a tip of the week.  This Saturday, I am too tired to spend much time typing. A writer I follow once sent out a reminder that I have never forgotten.  I read this from time to time....

When schools fail…

I received this email: After reading several blog posts, I am wondering (again) about Henle. Yes, I admit that I am also one of those people who HATE Henle. I find it cumbersome, confusing, limited (vocabulary ), and just plain aggravating. Our son has struggled with...

Which meaning?

I received this question: My son came across a problem on Visual Latin 1 Lesson 15. On the answer sheet it says that the word “feminam” means wife and “feminas” means wives but on the vocabulary list, it is not listed. It is listed as woman....

Lingua Latina. Where to begin?

I received this question: Our school is in its second year with a new high school (very soft, very quiet open). Four students, three ninth-graders, and one 11th grader. I am needing help in how to divide the Lingua Latina into courses. Latin 1, Latin 2, etc. Surely...

A notice from the National Latin Examiners

Salvete, omnes! We wanted to remind you about the postmark deadline for applying for the 2018 National Latin Exam.  The application will be available on our website, listed below, starting in September.  Applications will be mailed to all who participated in the 2017...

A grammar a month?!?

I received this comment: Quick question: I’m reading your book, Via, and I’m wondering what you mean by reading a grammar per month. Do you mean something like “Wheelock’s Latin”? That seems like a tall order each month! Could you please...