by Dwane | Jul 8, 2017 | Motivation, Tip of the Week
In one of my favorite books, The Pledge, by Michael Masterson, the author reports that the average American reads one book per year. It may not be that bad. According to the Pew Research Center, the average American in 2013 read a book a month. What about...
by Dwane | Jul 7, 2017 | Motivation
I haven’t eaten any sugar in 11 days. As best I can remember, I haven’t had a “no sugar” streak of 11 days since I first discovered sugar in England… as a 6-month-old. I am estimating, of course. I don’t have many memories of the...
by Dwane | Jul 6, 2017 | Motivation
I target people who want to be successful. I see no reason to target people who are content with failure. – Gary North
by Dwane | Jul 5, 2017 | Motivation
While we were in Colorado, a friend sent us a copy of the book Superfoods, by David Wolfe. One of the main themes that kept coming up while we were out in Colorado was the theme of food and health. Quite a few doctors, medical professionals, and therapists told us...
by Dwane | Jul 4, 2017 | Education, The Future
I received an email from a public school wanting to join my classes. The email included this note. This doesn’t appear to be Christian, but their (sic) are biblical resources here….as a public charter we can’t pay for non-secular classes….just...
by Dwane | Jul 4, 2017 | Latin, Motivation, Online Classes
I received this email: I am very worried that I am not doing well with my Latin. Up until around Chapter 32, I can read most of the chapters pretty well, even if I read pretty slowly. But I can hardly read Chapter 32 at all, and I know we’re supposed to be...
by Dwane | Jul 3, 2017 | Education, Motivation, The Future
I received an interesting question from one of my students. I was at youth group tonight (mine meets on Monday nights) and I was thinking about something that you had said in the Harry Potter class. At least I think it was in the Harry Potter class. Maybe it was...
by Dwane | Jul 1, 2017 | Tip of the Week, Travel, Van on the Run
One of the great inventions of the modern world is insurance. (I know. I know. It’s also one of the great nuisances of the modern world.) But, think about it. By pooling your resources with others, you can protect yourself from massive financial setbacks....
by Dwane | Jun 30, 2017 | Travel, Van on the Run
People often ask me, “How can you afford to move to, and live in Europe?” It’s simple. Europe is about 40% cheaper than the United States. I received an email offer from Holiday Lettings. You could stay in California for about $110 per night....
by Dwane | Jun 29, 2017 | Motivation
“Kerri” on Facebook, sent this one to me. Yes. I so get this. I throw everything away. Source of most of the conflict in our home, in...
by Dwane | Jun 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
I received this note: Thank you so much for leading us through Henle 2 this past year. I didn’t attend your live online class very much, because I was directing Challenge 2 and juggling many balls at once. Sigh. Now, my son is moving on to Challenge 3 and...
by Dwane | Jun 27, 2017 | Education, Latin
This quiz is to help those going through the Lingua Latina course. Spot any mistakes? If so, please let me know… ================================================= Quid est nomen servi qui aperit et claudet ostium? A) magister B) ostiarius C)...
by Dwane | Jun 26, 2017 | Education, Latin, Motivation
I received this letter: Comment: Hi, My son is going into ninth grade and is taking Lingua Latina with you. He really enjoys it but also wants to learn other languages. We didn’t do a good job of passing on our Spanish to him and he wants to learn it before he...
by Dwane | Jun 24, 2017 | Motivation
A few months ago, my son was in a terrible car accident. Now, he can’t work, can’t work out, can’t type, and has trouble reading. While he is expected to make a full recovery, he is pretty disappointed while he waits. He is fighting depression....
by Dwane | Jun 24, 2017 | Education, Q&A
One of the most frequent questions I receive on my site is this one: “What are the online classes like?” Fair enough. First of all, you should know that the online classes are designed for two types of students. First, the online classes are designed for...
by Dwane | Jun 23, 2017 | Education, Motivation
Several days ago (June 19, 2017) I finished reading Finding Ultra, by Rich Roll. I’ve been wanting to read this book for several years. Just never could find the time. Then, when my son, Jackson, wrecked in Colorado, I suddenly found myself with the time. I had...
by Dwane | Jun 22, 2017 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this comment: My 12 yr old has finished visual latin. What class should he go to next school year? Why do you suggest on classs over the other. Why do you teach Henle latin if you don’t suggest it? =================================================...
by Dwane | Jun 21, 2017 | Italian, Latin, Spanish, Visual Latin
I received this letter: I am a 17-year-old high schooler (homeschooled) taking your Visual Latin course (I just finished VL1 and will soon be starting VL2). To start, I would like to say that your course is a lot of fun, and I am thoroughly enjoying learning Latin....
by Dwane | Jun 20, 2017 | Education
While we were in Colorado, a subscribing family sent this phenomenal offer to me in an email. They offered to send any books we liked. Can you believe that? Anyway, the reading list alone was so useful, I thought I would share it with all of you....
by Dwane | Jun 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
I am a hardcore futurist. You may hear me complain about Islam from time to time. This is because I know history. But, I am not a pessimist about the future. I am optimistic about the future. Here is part of the reason why: I agree with Dr. Gary North. Here are...
by Dwane | Jun 17, 2017 | Education, Motivation
It’s popular to attend college in America. Either we all go, or think about going. I went to three colleges. I attended Pensacola Christian College for a year. I majored in pre-law. Decided that wasn’t for me. Transferred to the University of Alabama...
by Dwane | Jun 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
I received this question: Hello, I am looking for a continued Latin program for my son. He has completed Latin for Children A and B for Classical Academic Press. Can you guide me as to what class would be appropriate for him? Here is my reply:...
by Dwane | Jun 15, 2017 | Education, Online Classes
Next year, I plan to teach Henle 3. This book is composed mainly of the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero. It’s going to be some seriously tough Latin. That part I am not really looking forward to. Getting inside the mind of this amazing Roman? That part I...
by Dwane | Jun 14, 2017 | Education
Feel free to tinker around with this. Let me know if you spot any mistakes. Feel free to offer suggestions… or even compose your own questions: Num Sextus, Marcus, Titusque boni pueri sunt? A) Marcus solus bonus puer est. B) Iulius et Sextus boni...
by Dwane | Jun 13, 2017 | The Future
I don’t weigh in much on politics. For the most part, politics is a tar baby. Especially in my extended family. Best to avoid the conversation. Generally, I have had the same stance with Islam. But, after the attacks in London, and especially after the attack...