Lingua Latina, chapter 20: Quiz

This is the first draft of a quiz I am writing for chapter 20 of Lingua Latina.  It will be available for subscribers/students on my my site.  If you have been through the Lingua Latina course, or if you are going through the course, and if you like quizzes, and if...

The Vestal Virgins

For some reason, we tend to idolize ancient Rome and ancient Greece.  We forget that they were barbaric statist societies built on slavery and, at times, human...


During my son’s recent ordeal, I discovered several things about myself that I did not like. Among other things, I am not the Stoic I thought I was becoming.  Under pressure, I lost my cool.  More than once.  Sigh. I also discovered that, under pressure, I stop...

The Obstacle is the Way.

Last Saturday, my family and I left Denver, Colorado and drove home to Tennessee. For those who do not know, on April 13, my son was in a terrible car accident just outside of Denver.  My wife, my girls and I were in Athens, Greece at the time.  I was there to study...

Refund season

This time of year, I send a lot of refunds. This is one of the reasons I no longer offer a discounted annual rate.  To set this up, I have to set the payments up recurring annually.  People are excited when they join.  “Sure,” they think, “we will...


After several months away, and more adventure than I asked for, my family and I are back home in Franklin, Tennessee. I’m going to spend the next few days doing my very best to catch up.  I know many of you are waiting for a response from me.  You will hear from...

Visual Latin 2 vocabulary

I received this email: Dwane,  Always love to read your thoughts. Hope your son is progressing through his recovery, I want you to know our littlest son is still praying for his older brothers Latin teacher’s son every night, he never forgets him. When you have...

Summer school

I wasn’t planning to be in Tennessee this summer.  I was going to be studying Greek in Greece and I was going to be giving informal tours of Athens and Corinth to mission teams. But, everything changed in a moment.  My son nearly lost his life in a car accident...

Lingua Latina over the summer?

I received this question from a student: I got very behind in my Lingua Latina Latin class this year because I enrolled in a full course load at the community college and still had homeschool high school courses to complete. I was hoping that I could enroll in Lingua...

Made me happy…

We subscribed to your classes in January because my son needed some extra help with the class he was taking locally.  He never got to participate in an online class because your class was much farther ahead in the book. But he loved watching the online videos.  You...

Which Latin pronunciation?

I get this question all the time.  Do you think it would be confusing for a student to do both pronunciations? My kids (age 11 and 13) will be doing a class next year that uses Classical pronunciation but I would love them to be able to use some of the resources that...

From Henle 1 to Henle 2? Henle 3?

I received this question: My daughter is going to be enrolling in Classical Conversations for the very first time, going into Challenge 3 where the class will be completing the last part of Henle 2 and then starting Henle 3. I don’t think she is really going to...

All Classes cancelled today. Internet problems.

What is the opposite of “All’s well that ends well”?  Whatever it is, that is what I am dealing with. Today was supposed to be the last day of class.  Suddenly, the internet in our rental home no longer works.  It is dropping classes every 15...

Missed class. :-(

I messed the schedules up today.   As a result, you may have missed the Lingua Latina class today. I apologize.  Completely my fault.  I listed classes that were taking place today on the 31st… which is tomorrow. The Lingua Latina classes are up now in the...

After The Latin Road?

I received this question: I have a son who is almost 12 and has completed The Latin Road volume 1 and most of volume 2. His brain seems to compute Latin well. Do you think he would be a candidate for one of your classes, or should he hold off? I was planning on him...

Tip of the Week #107. Get a job.

Every Saturday, I send out a tip of the week.  I also include announcements, upcoming classes, and so on.  If you want to hear from me every weekend, sign up for my weekly updates here: [yikes-mailchimp form=”1″] This time of year, there is a lot of...

Can I skip Henle 1?

I received this question: My son has done two years of online. I know it’s not an intense course, but he’s starting high school next year and I wonder if he would be okay in Henle 2 or if he should start with Henle 1. Do you...

War Commentaries of Caesar

You kids today.  I am so jealous. When I moved to Germany as a teenager, I decided to learn German.  Someone gave me a set of language learning cassette tapes.  This, kids, is a cassette tape: There were twelve cassettes in the course.  I was glad someone gave the...

Before you cancel.

Most of my students stay with me for three years. Students will typically take Latin 1, 2 and 3 before moving on. At $25 a month, that’s $300 a year.  Remember,  That’s access to every class I teach for $300.  That’s $300 for the entire family.  This...

Vocabulary for Visual Latin 2?

I received this question: My daughter is enjoying her Latin study with your fun and engaging lessons. We bought the Visual Latin 2 printed course materials. We have not been able to find a place where there is a copy of all the latin vocab from volume 2 (lessons...


Found this note today while grading…. You made her year of Latin so much better than if we had attempted it alone!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You should know that my daughter received a Gold Summa Cum Laude award this evening for her NLE this year. She...