Came at the right time…

I am pretty tired these days.  My site was attacked on Friday.  That’s all cleaned up now, but I am tired.  And, now I have an incredible amount of work to catch up on. Just at the right time, this note showed up: I am in your Henle class, though doing most...


Last Friday, my site was invaded. Someone was sending slightly flirtatious messages to my students via the forums on my site. The forums are still down, and will remain down for some time. I am not sure when they will be back up. I continue to work on them and I...


Hi, guys. As many of you know, my site was attacked on Friday. It’s been 18 hour days for me ever since. Now my students are denied access when they try to log in. I am doing every thing I can and will continue to do so. I sincerely apologize for this....

An army of one

This is less a tip of the week, and more an apology. Back when I started my site, I didn’t have the money to hire anyone.  So, I designed my site myself.  You can probably tell just by looking at it. I set out to design a beautiful, sleek, muscular stallion....

Ignore Lucy…

Hi, Everyone! It looks like someone tried to hack my site this morning. My site is secured by WP Engine.  You can check them out here: Home WP Engine and I have been working on this issue since early this morning. I have temporarily closed down all forums.  I have...


Guys, It appears my site was hacked a few hours ago.  If you get a message from “Lucy” just ignore it. Working right now to fix this. Dwane  

Would you ride this?

When I was a kid, flying cars were a fantasy. Every year, companies push that fantasy closer.  Here is the latest.  Would you ride around in this? Remember these guys?  They had it all.  Flying cars.  Robot servants.  3-D printed food....

Why Lingua Latina?

Earlier this year, this was posted on my site.  I couldn’t have said it better: As a recovering Henle student, I also encourage the Lingua Latina book. My sons and I switched over to Lingua Latina after one year of tedious struggle with Henle. Lingua Latina is...

Possible schedule for 2017 – 2018

I will be finalizing my schedule soon, but it will likely be something like this: (All times are in the Central Time Zone) Tuesdays 9 AM: Latin 1: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg chapters 1 – 19 10 AM: Latin 2: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg chapters – 34 11...

Six days…

We humans are pretty funny. If our bosses told us to take a day off, we would praise our bosses to the heavens. When the King of the heavens tells us to take a day off, we protest.  Don’t tell us what to do! Among the Ten Commandments, we find this:  Remember...

Latin in three years?

I received this question: I have a question regarding Henle 1.  My 13-year-old is taking Latin 1 through a Homeschool Community this year.   They are covering Units 1-5 this year and will be covering Units 6-14 next year.  However, I am anticipating a change in our...

Thanks, School.

According to Voddie Baucham, school does a great job teaching at least one skill.  School teaches children to stand in line. My wife and I homeschool our children.  We do it for many reasons.  Reason #1?  Freedom. I pay my taxes.  I understand that, as an American, I...


We don’t have television or cable service in our home.  We never have. Now and then my kids will end up watching a show or two at a friends house.  They really like the show, Let’s Make a Deal. If you have ever seen the show, you know that contestants may...

Italian so far…

I am learning Italian for two reasons. First, I am learning Italian to master Latin pronunciation. Second, I am learning Italian because… I want to learn Italian. Back to the first reason.  When I was first learning Latin, I looked high and low for a...

Unmotivated in Latin?

I received this email: I am wondering if you can think of some options I may have with my son.  He just won’t do the work.  I was hoping the live class would be motivating for him but he refuses to participate and I have found him looking at the answers to do the work...

105-Year-Old Cyclist sets a new record.

I love stories like this. So what’s his secret? Marchand’s coach and friend Gerard Mistler told the AP it’s simple:...

Mile IQ

I drive some beat up old cars.  In fact, not long ago, one of my daughters quickly found my car in a crowded parking lot.  I asked her how she did it.   She replied, “It was easy, Dad.  I just looked for the rough among the diamonds.”  Heh. The odometer on...

Stick it out. Get it over with.

Every so often I receive emails from parents who are rather concerned.  Usually, their sons (it’s almost always their sons) have no interest in Latin.  For that matter, their sons usually have no interest in school at all.  They email me.  They ask me what they...

40 maps that explain the Roman Empire

I am posting this link for myself, mostly.  I would post it happily for everyone.  But, naturally, modern scholars can’t seem to help themselves.  They have included one section on Roman debauchery.  This one section takes a rated G post and turns it into a...

The Gallic Bore.

Every year, I used to take students through Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars.  Before I say anything else, let me point something out… something that I point out all the time. The New Testament is under constant attack by scholars.  It withstands all attacks....


I have removed the grading option from my site. There is a chance I will open this option again in the future, but I am not sure. If you do not know what I am talking about, I will explain. On my site, I teach a series of Latin classes.  Any family who subscribes to...


Many of you know that I was born and raised in Europe.  My family moved back to the U.S. when I was 18. For years, I wanted to go back to Europe.  By 19, or 20, I was planning my return. Last year, after a wait of 26 years, I returned. There are many, many reasons it...