Seize the morning.

I failed to send a “tip of the week” last Saturday. I started the morning by responding to emails, and by grading student work.  Four hours later, I was done.  And, I was burned out. Generally, I don’t start the day this way.  Instead, language study...

Pushing on.

I received this question: Hi Mr. Thomas! I’m really struggling with Roma Aeterna because I haven’t done Lingua Latina in the past, so the vocabulary is really hard for me to get.  I’ve already taken Henle 1 and 2 as two years of studying Latin for High School.  I...

Does Money Grow on Trees?

At some point, every parent asks every kid, “Do you think money grows on trees?”  It’s just something parents do. It turns out, money does grow on trees. These days, the trees are shedding their leaves.  Naturally, someone has to rake them. Those...

Picking Latin up again?

I received this email: I was one of your Lingua Latina 1 Students last year.  I did not complete the course (I got about 1/3 of the way through) then, (life got in the way) but I would like to, and I was wondering what you think would be the best action for me to...

Bored with Latin?

I received this inquiry: I am contacting you because my grandson, who is good at languages, is thinking of giving up latin because he says it is too difficult. Really I think he is bored with having to learn lists of vocabulary etc Obviously we are in the UK but given...

She just turned 15.

Some parents don’t feel like grading their kid’s Latin homework.   I don’t blame him. It’s pretty tough. It’s worse if you don’t speak the language.  So, they hire me. I receive dozens of emails from students every day. In general,...

More $ for gyros!

If you are thinking of moving, the following site will help: You can compare major cities to one another.  For example, I compared Nashville, Tennessee (where I live) to Athens, Greece (where I would love to live) and found out...

Athens, Franklin, and all those Latin endings.

I received this question: I want to ask you for some guidance with Henle Latin and my (our) student. She is doing really well at translating Latin into English.  However, when we go English to Latin, she consistently gets endings wrong (although she usually has the...

Become a “chicken entrepreneur”.

They say there is another recession coming.  Let’s hope not.  I have plenty of bad memories from the last one. Now may be the time to become a “chicken entrepreneur”. What am I talking about? I first heard of this concept when I read Michael...

Google Translate

Some of my students use Google translate before they send me their homework.  Google translate is great for individual words, and for pronunciation practice.  With full sentences and paragraphs, things can get...

Wheelock’s Latin?

I received this question: I have a question about your Latin course. My daughter is 14 and she has just started an online Latin course that uses Wheelock’s Latin. She is having a very hard time with it, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of information in...

Praise for Via…

“What you do by telling others in a practical and efficient way how to learn Latin well is to tell them in a practical and efficient way how to do anything well. You obviously love language, and you can see in the resources you offer and the points you discuss...

The books that changed my life, part 2.

I have been re-editing my book Via.  A publishing friend of mine wants to turn it into a physical book. During the re-edit phase, my wife has encouraged me to add a section on books.  What are the books that have altered the direction of my life? The original post is...

The books that changed my life.

I am re-editing my own book, Via.  A friend of mine, who happens to publish books, wants to publish mine. I was advised to include, in the new edition, books that have inspired me. I will be adding the list to the newest version of Via.  In the meantime, I need a...

Vade Mecum

I didn’t send a tip of the week last week.  I have no good excuse to offer. It’s pretty simple, really. I forgot. So, this week I’m going to wrap two into one. But first, a little background. If you ever want to put me to sleep, don’t bother...

Mr. Thomas… What would you do?

I received this series of questions: If you could choose any method for teaching a child Latin, how would you do it? Would you do Visual Latin for one year? I see there is a VL 1 & 2. Is that one year or two? Would you do Lingua Latina simultaneously with VL or...

How to add the Greek alphabet to your keyboard.

Here is a very helpful article from DuoLingo: I hope to start filming the recording of the Greek class in October.  Meanwhile, join DuoLingo, jump into the Greek class and start practicing pronunciation. You will need to know how to type in Greek. Follow the...


Abraham Lincoln once said, “If you get angry, count to 10.  If you get really angry, count to 100.” I like Mark Twain’s version better.   “If you get angry, count to 10.  If you get really angry, start swearing.” I admit it.  I am more...

Compass Classroom is looking for help.

You probably know that Compass Classroom, in Nashville, Tennessee, produced Visual Latin. Well, they are looking for some help.  They need a marketing assistant.  If you are interested, click on this link : Jobs at Compass...

Made me happy….

I received this note this weekend: My daughter took your Lingua Latina last year, and it was her favorite thing.  Last year she was the one w/earbuds at her computer laughing alone in the dining room.  This year it’s all of us!  You have no idea how grateful I...

Because I’m Batman…

I wish I were Batman.  I wish I had a car like his. My website supports my family.  I am happy about this. But… you will know that my website has gone viral when you see a Batmobile cruising through the streets of Franklin, Tennessee. Fortunately, I am like...

Duo Lingo and Typing in Greek

If you are going through the Greek course in DuoLingo, you are going to need to learn to type in Greek.  This may help:

Greek is finally up!

The last time I checked, DuoLingo was not planning to release Greek until October 1.  (I have been waiting since March.) Yesterday, I randomly decided to check.  To my surprise, there it was, ready to go.  Already there are about 20,000 learners!  Yes! This morning, I...

Errata: Visual Latin 43

I received this comment: Hello.  I’m going through Visual Latin. In Lesson 43c in the first sentence there is the word ‘dicerunt’ I think it’s supposed to be ‘dixerunt’. Thanks Here’s my reply: You’re correct. I have...

I doubt you will get such an offer from the eels.

I received this question: Hi Dwayne! My kids are enrolled in Classical Conversations, and using Henle Latin. I was hoping for some clarification on the pricing. Wondering Monthly Subscription (Academic Months) means Sept -May it is $34/month ($306) and the Monthly...