by Dwane | Sep 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
Triskaidekaphobia – Irrational fear of the number thirteen Triskaidekaphobia is a combination of multiple Greek words. Τρεῖς (tres) three, χαί (kai), δέχα (deka) ten and, or course φόβος (phobos) fear. This word came up in a Greek class this morning, as we were...
by Dwane | Sep 2, 2023 | Tip of the Week
Not long ago, a friend asked me if I knew of any tools to find a word to describe something that you have in mind. He went on to say, “There’s countless scenarios in my life where there’s something that I’d love to express – but I cannot think of the right...
by Dwane | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Disremember: to forget. I ran across this word in The Wright Brothers, by David McCullough. A book I enjoyed immensely, by the way. If you are looking for a book capable of inspiring you to work incredibly hard, this may be the book for you. While testing their...
by Dwane | Aug 29, 2023 | Tip of the Week
Before traveling, I always make a copy of my passport. That way, If my passport is ever stolen or lost, I have a back up I can show when I end up at the embassy. Fortunately, this hasn’t happened to me. But, I have lost my wallet overseas. I needed to rent a car. ...
by Dwane | Aug 26, 2023 | Ebook, Motivation
Health and fitness are foundational Have you ever heard of the fitness brand ASICS? ASICS is an acronym for an old Latin acronym. It stands for Anima Sana In Corpore Sana. In English, it means a sound mind in a fit body. Like it or not, we need to prioritize our...
by Dwane | Aug 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Jargon This morning, in an online Greek class, we learned some of the rules for Greek accenting. The rules are complex and full of academic jargon. Later, I thought of what a weird word jargon is. I wondered where it came from. This is what I found out. Noah...
by Dwane | Aug 5, 2023 | Tip of the Week
When I am on my game, I post a word a day on my blog and over at the Visual Latin Facebook page: Coming up with a word a day is rather challenging. Okay. It’s actually really challenging. Last week, I didn’t even try....
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Bailiwick: someones special area of knowledge Your bailiwick is your area of expertise. Bailiwick comes from the word bailiff (an officer of the court) and the Old English word for village, win. Algebra was not my bailiwick in high school, or in college. Made me...
by Dwane | Jul 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
JOMO – The Joy of Missing Out. I am sure I am behind the curve here. I’ve known about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) for a while now. I did not know about the JOMO until today. Just found this word (if it is a word) and I love it. There are a bunch of Rivian...
by Dwane | Jul 24, 2023 | Ebook, Motivation
Dream big We are going to create a checklist based on our three main goals. We already have a healthy goal. We will create a wealthy goal, and a wise goal, as well. Our goals are based on Benjamin Franklin’s quote. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy,...
by Dwane | Jul 24, 2023 | Tip of the Week
If you have repetitive tasks in your daily schedule, I recommend using a checklist. Sitting down to write a checklist may seem like a waste of time, but I have found the opposite to be true. In fact, I get more done with a checklist than I do without one. Checklists...
by Dwane | Jul 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
by Dwane | Jul 15, 2023 | Ebook, Tip of the Week
The question I receive most is not, “How did you learn Latin?” Instead, the question I get most is, “How did you learn to make a living online?” The answer is complicated. To answer, I am writing a book. For years, I have watched in dismay as digital marketers have...
by Dwane | Jul 15, 2023 | Latin
I received this question: The declension of the noun pedes is confusing us majorly. In the charts (which are usually so handy) rex is declined so differently. Where does the extra “it” come from? Pedes–pedITis–pedITi–etc. Thanks for any...
by Dwane | Jul 15, 2023 | Online Classes, Q&A, Spanish
I am getting lots of questions about the online Spanish class I will be teaching in the Fall. Just so everyone knows… I am still learning Spanish. I am simply inviting everyone to learn along with me. Last year, online, I took students through Madrigal’s Magic...
by Dwane | Jul 14, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Anomalous Abnormal, differing from the norm, the standard, or the usual way of doing things. Anomalous is the adjective form of anomaly. Anomalous comes from the Greek words ἀν (an), meaning “not” and ὁμός (homos) meaning “same”. Synonyms include atypical, divergent,...
by Dwane | Jul 13, 2023 | Ebook, Motivation
Inch by inch We are about to create a healthy checklist. Before we begin constructing a checklist, keep this in mind. I built a checklist to give myself the life I wanted to live. I want this for you, too. I want you to live the life you want to live. I truly...
by Dwane | Jul 13, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Anomaly Something differing from the usual pattern. A peculiarity, an abnormality. A deviation from the normal. An outlier. Synonyms include aberration, deviation, oddity, and rarity. Anomaly comes from the Greek words ἀν (an), meaning “not” and ὁμός (homos)...
by Dwane | Jul 11, 2023 | Ebook, Motivation
When I write my own personal goals, I base them on Benjamin Franklin’s model. “Early to bed, Early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Over the next three chapters, we will build a healthy goal, a wealthy goal, and a wise goal. Since Mr. Franklin started...
by Dwane | Jul 11, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Atavistic An atavistic trait is a trait you picked up from your ancestors. It skipped a generation, or two, though. Your parents did not have this trait. Atavistic traits disappear for a time only to show up later. For example, “He has an atavistic temper. It...
by Dwane | Jul 10, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Arachnoleptic fit: The wild fit you throw right after you walk through a spider web. Arachnoleptic fit is a made-up word. My mom sent it to me. It’s a useful made-up word though. I nearly wiped out once after biking through a spider web. I threw an arachnoleptic fit...
by Dwane | Jul 1, 2023 | Tip of the Week
If you are like me (and, I know I am) you likely do not read the terms of service. We are supposed to read the terms of service. We know we should. But, do we? Speaking for myself, I admit, I rarely read the terms of service. Lawyers write the terms. The documents...
by Dwane | Jun 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Last year I wrote a book on goal setting. I am now in the process of editing that book. As I edit, I will post excerpts here on my blog. This is from chapter three: _______________________________________________________________________________________________...
by Dwane | Jun 30, 2023 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Yesterday, I posted the word Saturnine, meaning gloomy. Oddly enough, today’s word has the exact opposite meaning. Saturnalian: Riotously merry, overindulgent How did these two similar words end up with opposite definitions? Saturnine meaning gloomy, derives...
by Dwane | Jun 29, 2023 | Ebook, Motivation
Last year I wrote a book on goal setting. I am now in the process of editing that book. As I edit, I will post excerpts here on my blog. This is from chapter three: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Get...