How to add the Greek alphabet to your keyboard.

Here is a very helpful article from DuoLingo: I hope to start filming the recording of the Greek class in October.  Meanwhile, join DuoLingo, jump into the Greek class and start practicing pronunciation. You will need to know how to type in Greek. Follow the...


Abraham Lincoln once said, “If you get angry, count to 10.  If you get really angry, count to 100.” I like Mark Twain’s version better.   “If you get angry, count to 10.  If you get really angry, start swearing.” I admit it.  I am more...

Compass Classroom is looking for help.

You probably know that Compass Classroom, in Nashville, Tennessee, produced Visual Latin. Well, they are looking for some help.  They need a marketing assistant.  If you are interested, click on this link : Jobs at Compass...

Made me happy….

I received this note this weekend: My daughter took your Lingua Latina last year, and it was her favorite thing.  Last year she was the one w/earbuds at her computer laughing alone in the dining room.  This year it’s all of us!  You have no idea how grateful I...

Because I’m Batman…

I wish I were Batman.  I wish I had a car like his. My website supports my family.  I am happy about this. But… you will know that my website has gone viral when you see a Batmobile cruising through the streets of Franklin, Tennessee. Fortunately, I am like...

Duo Lingo and Typing in Greek

If you are going through the Greek course in DuoLingo, you are going to need to learn to type in Greek.  This may help:

Greek is finally up!

The last time I checked, DuoLingo was not planning to release Greek until October 1.  (I have been waiting since March.) Yesterday, I randomly decided to check.  To my surprise, there it was, ready to go.  Already there are about 20,000 learners!  Yes! This morning, I...

Errata: Visual Latin 43

I received this comment: Hello.  I’m going through Visual Latin. In Lesson 43c in the first sentence there is the word ‘dicerunt’ I think it’s supposed to be ‘dixerunt’. Thanks Here’s my reply: You’re correct. I have...

I doubt you will get such an offer from the eels.

I received this question: Hi Dwayne! My kids are enrolled in Classical Conversations, and using Henle Latin. I was hoping for some clarification on the pricing. Wondering Monthly Subscription (Academic Months) means Sept -May it is $34/month ($306) and the Monthly...

Class today is NOT required.

This morning, at 10 central time zone, I will be teaching a Henle Latin 1 class. This class started last Wednesday. However, there were problems and quite a few people we’re locked out of class. I am offering a special one-time only class this coming Saturday...

Let’s try this again…

You all know that I teach Latin online. Many of you are in my classes.  Those classes started this week. For the most part, everything went well.  That is… until we got to the Henle Latin 1 class.  That one did not go so well. Quite a few of you were locked out...

Does Visual Latin 1 prepare students for Henle 2?

I received this question: If students complete your Visual Latin I, will they be ready for Henle 2?  I have half the class doing VL instead of Henle this year, and they are planning on doing Henle 2 next year.  I’m having them keep up with the Henle vocab...

Problem with Henle 1 class…

Hey, everybody! Quite a few of you got locked out of the Henle 1 class today.  I am incredibly sorry that this happened to you. I have already solved the problem.  This will not take place again. I am converting is a recording right now, and will be uploading it to my...

Online answering questions…

My kids are in bed. I’ll online for a little bit answering questions.  Still quite a bit of confusion.  The login process to the live classes has tripped up quite a few people. You should have received a receipt when you joined the online class.  In that...

In class for the next 3 hours….

I will be in class for the next three hours.  I will not be responding to my website, nor will I be responding to emails. When you signed up for one of my live online classes, you should have received a receipt.  In that receipt, You will find instructions   with a...

A new payment option.

Some people don’t like being charged during the summer.  So, I added an option for payment.   Tuition can be spread out over 12 full months ($50 with grading, or $25), or, it can be spread out over 9 academic months ($67 with grading, or $34).  Of course, there...

Henle Latin or Lingua Latina?

I received this question: My son is in Challenge 1 through Classical Conversations and his 3rd year in Henle Latin. We get to about Chapter 11 and begin needing help. Would you recommend your Henle class or Lingua Latin? Thanks for teaching! Here is my reply: I much...

Latin pronunciation

This should be titled, “What classical Latin (50 BC – 50 AD) may have sounded like.” Students get hung up on this all the time.  There is an easy solution.  Go with the Italian pronunciation. Still, the video has many interesting points. Want to...

Classes start tomorrow

Quite a few of you have emailed to me to let me know that you are not receiving, or have not received, the links for classes. Classes start tomorrow. If you have not received the instructions and links for a class, please email me at This system...

Catching up right now…

I am working very hard to catch up tonight. I am still hours away from done, but I have no intention of going to bed anytime soon. If you’re waiting on a response from me, you should have one before tomorrow.

Do as I say, not as I do.

I continue to learn as I go. This Saturday, if I have any advice for you, it is this: back your computer up. In other words, do as I say, not as I do. On Thursday, after recovering from a debilitating virus, I sat down to get some work done.  Instead, I watched in...

Lingua Latina Workload?

I received this inquiry: How work much is assigned from Lingua Latina? Does this workload apply to both Levels 1 & 2? How quickly are assignments returned to students? Can a family switch from grading to no grading or vice versa, assuming that slots for grading...

The gods must be angry…

I’m beginning to think the gods are angry with me. At the beginning of this week, a debilitating stomach virus took me down.  For three days, I accomplished next to nothing.  This is not typical for me. Last night, feeling stronger, I decided to get back to...

The mighty oak

I received this question from a former student: I’m taking a tree ID class this fall, and I’m preparing for it by reviewing some of the Latin tree names we’ll be learning. I came across one, quercus rubra (red oak), that I have a question on....

This is a good way to do it.

I received this question: My twins were in classical conversations and have a foundation from their challenge A & B program for the last two years but their local co-op program disbanded this year when they would have taken the entire Latin year of Henle I. I...