While you are waiting…

Today I received this question: “What would you suggest my children until the are ready for Visual Latin in a year or so?” That’s easy. Spanish, French or Italian.  You can do it all for free right here: https://www.duolingo.com/courses I doubt Latin...

How to pronounce the Latin alphabet.

Someone emailed me recently.  She wanted to know how to pronounce the Latin alphabet. I should have sent her this: Yep.  You read that correctly.  That is how you pronounce the Italian alphabet.  Correct.  And, that is also how the catholic church pronounces the Latin...

Logging into my site via phone.

I spent about two hours the other day trying to figure this out.  Seriously.  Thanks for making this so easy WordPress.  (Add your own sarcastic tone.)  Then, a user emailed me.  She told me about the easiest solution ever. It’s easy.  Simply click this...

From Henle Latin to Lingua Latina?

I received this question: While we have used Henle, I do not feel the need to stick with it just because that is where we started.    Would there be a benefit to taking the  Lingua Latina class instead of Henle 2?  And if so, is it available for grading..since you...

Flash Cards

Instead of standing aimlessly in line at the bank, the checkout line, or the department of motor vehicles, you could learn.  You could learn a lot.  Especially if you are at the DMV. https://youtu.be/k3A_pzCUwRA I use the Quizlet app to learn new vocabulary while...

I like helping people

I received this question:   My son is currently taking your Lingua Latina online class. This fall I will add two more kids and son #1 will move on to LL 20+ . Did I read correctly that there is a$500 family fee? Does this change if you grade all three? Thanks for your...

How many hours per week?

I received this email: To make a long story short, I found Visual Latin online and my daughter and I both loved the samples we viewed. While asking questions on The Well Trained Mind forums about the program, I was referred here to your blog where I found your live...

Could I see an example class?

Visual Latin is a professionally filmed series.  I do not personally sell it.  It is available here from Compass Classroom. Once they have completed Visual Latin many of my students want to further their Latin studies.  That’s where the site comes in. Every year...

Happy Mother’s Day!

Every Saturday I send out a “Tip of the Week”.   Unless, I don’t. Yesterday was a long day. I was exhausted and mentally foggy.   At the end of the day, I crashed, forgetting to send a “Tip of the Week.” So, I’m sending one out this...

Schedule update

Schedule update: I have decided not to teach Henle Latin 3 next year.  Henle Latin 1 and Henle Latin 2 are torture enough.  I can’t even imagine the thought of adding Henle Latin 3. Just typing the paragraph above released truckloads of endorphins into my system...

Every day now…

I received this question: Hi,  My son took a Henle Latin class last year.  He really struggled with Henle. If I purchase the monthly subscription for $25 will that give me access to the videos for Henle for my oldest son and the Lingua Latina videos for my 2nd and 3rd...

Memorize the Latin endings?

Students ask me all the time.  “Should I memorize the Latin endings?” I say what no Latin teacher ever says.  “Maybe.” There is nothing at all wrong with memorizing all of the Latin endings.  Some of my best students are from the Classical...

The World to the Wise Podcast

I am a little disappointed. I have been in Greece for a month now.  I am here to learn modern Greek as rapidly as I can.  The “rapid” part?  It isn’t happening. One problem is, I am just not finding much to listen to. I am an auditory learner....

Fall Asleep Learning!

The other day, my daughters received some advice from their piano teacher. “Practice piano just before bed,” she told them. She then explained that their brains would review the skill while they slept. You can use the same technique while learning Latin....

What if I fall behind in a live class?

I received this question: Hello, I am wondering about students who may require extra time completing Latin I… Specifically, my son, who has quite a high learning potential, also has to deal with some learning challenges (processing speed/ability, made more...


In class yesterday, we looked at the Greek word for fear, phobia.  There are, of course, so many English words derived from this Greek word.  This one, though, I found particularly fascinating. Toxicophobia: the fear of poison; A morbid fear of poisons, or the fear of...


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: fear of long words. 🙂   From hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, an extension of sesquipedalian with monstrum (monster) and a misspelled form of hippopotamus. The hippo and monstro part were added to exaggerate the length of the word...

Henle Latin or Visual Latin?

I received this question: We are trying to decide between Visual Latin and Henle.  Can you tell me how they are alike/different?  Are they comparable in difficulty?  Does Visual 1 and Henle 1 cover the same ground?  Any comparisons you can give me that would be...

Errata: Mistakes in test #57.

I received this comment: On Visual Latin quiz 57 problem number 43 the word Vinum is translated as vine in the answer key. We wondered if the correct translation would possibly be wine? Here is my reply: You found a mistake.  Thank you!   43. Vinum     A) vine     B)...

Tests and Quizzes.

Let me ask a question. Did you take a bunch of tests and quizzes in  school? Here is another question. Did those tests and quizzes prepare you for life? I took a bunch of tests and quizzes in school.  Over time, I became quite good at taking tests. Then, I graduated....


This may take a minute, but hang in there with me.  I am going to try to make this one worthwhile. As you probably know, I moved my family to a Greek island about a month ago. I have wanted to reach fluency in Greek for some time now.  It just was not happening in...

Online Henle questions

I received this series of questions: I want to sign my son up for next year’s Henle Latin class with grading.  I have a couple of questions: I want to sign my son up for next year’s Henle Latin class with grading.  I have a couple of questions: 1.  When do...

Source Flix

After three weeks of travel, my family and I are finally in Greece. I am exhausted from travel and will keep this short. My tip for this week is simple.  Check out this site: http://sourceflix.com/ Because of European border laws, my family was not able to enter...