Which class?

I received this question: I am wondering what your thoughts would be for my daughter regarding Latin.  She is currently taking Latin 1B through the Lukeion Project (Wheelock’s Latin).  She’s has a high B average.  She would like to continue Latin studies...

Stuck in Visual Latin

I received this comment: I have been taking visual Latin for almost over a year and I am not seeing a very large improvement in my learning the language. I don’t know if I am doing something wrong or if I’m missing a step or two but I am having some...

Confused. Visual Latin? Lingua Latina? Henle?

I have confused someone.  Not the first time. Comment: I have a child that has been doing Latin for a few years now, classical conversations and challenge with Henle but I’m afraid I don’t see this working and I am both intrigued and interested to know...

Does Visual Latin cover Henle 1?

Compass classroom and I received a series of questions…. I have some questions about the Latin program. We are doing the First Form and Second Form with two kids and Henle for our oldest. I like the idea of visual Latin but was wondering what grade levels this...

Lingua Latina chapter 7, lines 72 – 73.

I received this question: Hello, Dwane. I have a question regarding lines 72-73 of cap. VI. I cannot figure out what the verb is in that sentence. I understand this part — Medus, however, who fears the angry master, — and then I guess it’s saying...

Stuck in Lingua Latina

I received this question: Do you have any suggestions for helping students understanding Lingua Latina as they read it? We took a break from Latin last year because she was getting frustrated but we started up again and she is rocking it now but we started reading the...

I hate passwords

Valentines day is tomorrow.  I should write about love. Instead, I am going to write about hate. I hate passwords.   Hate, hate, hate, double hate.  Loooathe entirely. I am older than the Internet.  When I was a kid, spies had passwords.  That was about it.   Now...

After Visual Latin?

I received this question: Do you have a lot of experience with students who have gone through this whole program (Visual Latin)? What will the student study when they are done with this program? Will they be prepared to read Ceasar; do Henle 2? If we do it for 5th and...

An online dictionary for Greek.

Students in my classes know that, for Latin, I am a big fan of Whitaker’s Words. Students in my Greek classes know that I haven’t found anything quite like Whitaker’s Words for Greek. There’s this: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/...

Safety in Athens

I am moving my family to Greece in a month.  Well, almost.  We will be in Israel for a few weeks first. If you are concerned about my safety, you are not the only one.  Several people have cautioned me about moving to Greece. A few days ago, I did a safety search on...

Subscription confusion…

I received several questions… I am trying to make sure I understand how your online classes work. The monthly subscription cover one class for multiple children? And is it 25.00 a month for each class? And, which latin curriculum are you using for the online...

Greek words and Italy…

I received some questions from a former student: So I’m taking an astronomy class this semester, and just learned about perihelions and aphelions in ellipses. I’m thinking it has a Greek (ancient Greek) tie in, since Helios was the old sun god in Greek...

Visual Latin errata, Lesson 11, Quiz 8

I received this letter: In the Lesson 11 answer key, for 11B Sentences, sentence #6 is different than in the student’s worksheet.  Is there an easy way to find corrections for the worksheets and tests? I found some corrections by doing a search (and getting the...

Bella Italia

Now and then, someone asks me to take them to Italy.  “You should lead tours to Italy, Mr. Thomas!” Ther is only one problem.  I have never been to Italy. I was once a spelunker.  I have explored more caves than I could  count.  I could take you into some...

Visual Latin 38, 39, and 40 Errata.

I received this email: Lesson 38c has pistorem interfecit–I think it is a spelling error and it is supposed to be interficit. Lesson 39b Sentences number 3 and 5 both have erint–I think that they should be erunt Also in Sentence 5 you have silva translated...

When should I start reading Lingua Latina?

I receive a common question: When should I start reading Lingua Latina? Here is my reply: Begin using Lingua Latina after completing Lesson 16 in Visual Latin.  Lingua Latina is a challenging book.  If you start reading it too soon, you will quickly overwhelm...

Difficult, not expensive

I received this question: I should have asked when registration for the fall will begin. I know it’s only February, but open enrollment (at least for CC) has already begun. So, we’re trying to piece together a plan. Currently, on the classes page of your website, the...

Substantive adjectives

I received this question: Hello,  I am taking Visual Latin 1, and I have a question. On lesson 16c, the translation, there is the sentence “Columba non aridam in aqua videt.” , which according to the answer key means “The dove does not see dry land...

Save some time for yourself….

I spend about three or four hours a day responding to email. It takes a long time to respond to people when they’re writing to me in Latin and Greek. Not too long ago a friend of mine told me about this guide: http://macsparky.com/email/. If you are a Mac user,...

Struggling with verb tenses?

I received this question from one of my online students: “I seem to be having difficulty with the proper usage of most of these verbals/verb equivalents. Do you have any suggestions?” Thanks!  Here is my reply: I actually think you are doing quite well.  ...

What will you learn in Visual Latin?

This is more for me than anyone else.  I never seem to have a copy of Visual Latin that I can flip over when I get this question. What is the scope and sequence of Visual Latin? Here it is: Latin 1 includes Lessons 1-30. It covers two semesters and can be worth one...

Subscription clarification…

I received this bag of questions: Thank you for your response. So glad to hear Latin is so popular! Third Form is year 3 of the Memoria Press program. I like it okay, but I think it lacks something extra for my son. We have been working on Latin for about 3 years, so...