Thank you!

Merry Christmas! It’s the last Saturday before Christmas. It’s also late o’clock. Not many of you will read this.  That’s fine. You are spending time with your families.  So am I. Maybe that is what makes this everyone’s favorite time of...

Errata: Test 8: 24

A Visual Latin user has brought a mistake to my attention.  In test 8, question 24, you will find this multiple choice question: Die sol est lux terrae. A) light of the earth   B) light of the moon   C) light of the town The correct answer is A.  However, this is not...

Errata: Visual Latin 7

I received this question: My daughter is working on Visual Latin Lesson 7B and it states “translate into Latin the words in parenthesis, use the chart on page 43 to help you.” We can not find a page 43 anywhere with a chart. Can you help, please? Here is...

Some other good resources for Spanish.

Here are some other good resources for Spanish. Audio course:!complete-spanish/c1313 SpanishDict: Study Spanish: Lyrics Training: News:...

My replacement

I am looking for my own replacement. I will be leaving New Hope Academy in March 2016. If you are interested in working with the kindest, most self-sacrificing staff I have ever encountered, let me know. I am happy to begin training you immediately. You will need at...


Logo-maniac: One who is obsessively interested in words. From Greek λόγος (logos) and μανία (mania), meaning: madness. I think this is me.  I am not sure that is a good thing….

Are we cheating?

 I received this question: I have a question about Visual Latin. I have three children taking the course and I need to know if 1. ) it’s considered ok for them to use charts for cases and declensions on the quizzes.? We’re REALLY struggling with memorizing...

Errata: Visual Latin 37 and 38.#

I received this comment: Comment: In Visual Latin 37c the worksheet has “Piscerna dicit,” It should be “Pincerna dicit,” In Visual Latin 38b the worksheet has #12. Patres filios eius monebant. Translated in the answers as The father was warning...

Errata: Visual Latin 38

I received this comment: Comment: In Visual Latin 38b, Sentence 42 has “Equui currabant…” I think you meant Equi currebant. Am I correct? Here is my reply: Yep.  You are correct.  Spelling mistake on my part.  – 1 Here is the corrected version:...

Harry Potter Forum

There is now a Harry Potter Forum! I am not opening it the general public, though. Just keeping it open for the fans.  🙂 Request permission, and I will be able to let you in. P.S. Available for students in the live seminar or students who have access to the recordings...

How to get the Harry Potter recordings…

You will need to register as a new user on my site: After you register, I will be able to let you into the “course” pages where you will find the recordings.   Once you have done this, let me know.  It’s a little annoying, but I have to go in...


Technical problems on my side.  Test webinar not loading… Working on it right now…  

Let’s connect…

Let’s connect. I will be online tonight at 4 central time zone, and again at 5 central time zone. If you are in the Harry Potter seminar, let’s test our connection before class begins…. If you are not sure how to do this, watch this one-minute...


Working on the Harry Potter series this morning, I discovered this quote:   “Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts… that is something on...

Lingua Latina Vocabulary

Looking for a vocabulary list for the famous Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg? You can also access the vocabulary on Quizlet.  Just type in Lingua Latina.   Or, you can find the vocabulary in alphabetical order here: Or,...


The Greek word, Λόγος (lógos) means: word.   Sort of. Logos is a bit complicated.  There is a lot to it.  It can mean any of the following: 1.  That which is said: word, sentence, speech, story, debate, utterance. 2.  That which is thought: reason, consideration,...


Verbiculture: the production of words.  Yep.  It’s really a word. From Latin verbum (word) and the Latin verb colo, colere, colui, cultus: to live in, inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth. Verbiculture, which shows up in almost no dictionaries, was coined in...


Verb: In grammar, a part of speech that expresses action, motion, being, suffering, or a request or command to do anything.  A verb may also show state of existence.  The verb affirms, declares, asks or commands; as, I write; he runs; the river flows; they sleep; we...


Cruciverbalist: Someone skilled in the making of, or completion of crossword puzzles.  From Latin crux (cross) and verbum (word).  And, yes.  This is a real word.


This week (and probably next week) my etymology students and I will study the Greek and Latin words for, well, word. I find it fascinating to take a look at every word we study in about ten different languages.  All of these languages are somehow related to our very...


Once again, I am going to try to bring the word of the day back… Adverb: In grammar, a word used to modify the sense of a verb, participle, adjective or, another adverb, and usually placed near it; as, he writes well. An adverb will answer the following...

Vocabulary trouble…

I received this question: Do you have any recommended ways of memorizing the Lingua Latina Vocab. I’ve been doing the flashcards on Quizlet and that helps a little bit. But I still struggle with the vocabulary a lot. Here is my reply:  Good morning! This is a...