by Dwane | Jul 30, 2015 | Education, Latin
Quite a few of you have asked for the First Year Latin syllabus. Well, here it is: Henle 1 Syllabus Let me know if you spot any mistakes! Thanks! Dwane
by Dwane | Jul 28, 2015 | Education, Latin
I received this question: “My son has completed Challenge I (Henle I) and wants to continue Latin one more year even though he is not in CC this year. Would you recommend continuing on to Henle II or switching to Lingua Latina since both are actual books? I plan...
by Dwane | Jul 28, 2015 | Education, English, Vocabulary
Cabbage: a hard round vegetable with green or purple, lettuce-like leaves. Who knew cabbage could be so interesting? Most of you thought of the definition above when you read the word cabbage. You were right to do so. Cabbage is one of the leafy foods your kids...
by Dwane | Jul 28, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Yesterday I asked, “Can you think of any English words that derive from the Latin word, caput?” A few of you took a stab at it. Just like a little league baseball game, no one struck out. You guessed cap, capitulate, capital, capitol, and decapitate (ewww.) You are...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
The Latin word caput means, head. When a Roman wanted to use the prepositional phrase, “of the head,” he would use the word capitis. Capitis is the “genitive” form of the word caput. I mention this for a simple reason. The genitive spelling of a Latin word often...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Latin, Q&A
Level of maturity needed for course? Age range? I have a group of 3 boys interested in possibly taking the course together (ages 11- 13). Would you suggest this course for them? If not, what is your opinion of a curriculum called Latin for Children – Primer A...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Latin, Q&A
What does the calendar schedule for the class look like? Time off due to holidays? Two weeks off at Christmas. One week off for Thanksgiving, and that’s about it. May change from time to time. If it does, I will make sure students are alerted well in...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Latin, Q&A
How flexible is the course? i.e. in terms of holidays & unexpected occurrences? Everything is recorded. So, students can miss any class they like. My site currently has about 430 videos on it. In theory, students never have to show up to the live class and...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Latin, Q&A
How long is the course in terms of weeks & number of lessons? We start at the end of August and finish at the end of May. We will take two weeks off for Christmas and one week off for Thanksgiving. I have not decided yet if there will be a spring break at all....
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Education, Latin, Q&A
Are quizzes & tests given in spite of whether we pay you to provide a grade or not? Yes. There are online automated quizzes and tests that you can take on my site. There are also assigned quizzes during the school year from the textbooks. I will be creating...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Latin, Q&A
What does the homework tend to entail? Is it intensive? How demanding is the course? The course is demanding. Whether you go through First Year Latin by Robert Henle or Lingua Latina, students are expected to be able to read the New Testament in Latin by the end...
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Q&A
How much time should we expect to have to devote to the Latin 1 online class? Typically, students spend about an hour a day studying. I suggest they do this six days a week. I always suggested that they take Sundays off.
by Dwane | Jul 27, 2015 | Education, Latin, Latin in Literature, Visual Latin
This week, I received a series of question about Henle and Visual Latin. I thought the thread might be helpful for you. Especially those in Henle 2. “Is Visual Latin 1 and 2 designed to only cover Henle 1? Same question I guess, is the online course only to...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2015 | Tip of the Week
If you can write well, you will go further. We all know this is true. If you are a student, you will score higher in school and university. If you are a writer, you will get your message across. In one of my favorite books, The Loom of Language, Fredrick Bodmer...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2015 | Ebook, English, Greek, Latin
I posted nothing on my site yesterday. I posted nothing because I was busy. Later, I was depressed. This fall I am teaching a vocabulary class. In the class, we will study the great grandchildren of Latin and Greek. We will study the English words spawned by their...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
Here is my favorite email this week: “Here is a testimonial to the power of your Visual Latin combined with the pure enjoyment of Lingua Latina: My 11yo son started Visual Latin 1 with us mid-May. The only Latin he had taken before then was the CC Foundations...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2015 | Education, Latin
I received this inquiry: “My son completed Classical Conversations Challenge 1 with Henle Latin 1. They only got about 2/3 of the way through the book. Which class should I sign him up for from you…1 or 2? Thanks!” Here is my reply: Why not both?...
by Dwane | Jul 25, 2015 | Education, English
Clear writing. If you can write well, you will go further. We all know this is true. You will score higher in school and university. In one of my favorite books, The Loom of Language, Fredrick Bodmer reminds us: “Good English, well spoken and well written will...
by Dwane | Jul 23, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Vocabulary
Last minute book change: If you are in the online vocabulary class, do not order the book. I have been reading it again and there are simply too many sexual innuendos. I am going to look for another book. Terribly disappointed as this book is a rather entertaining way...
by Dwane | Jul 23, 2015 | Latin
Brilliant. Having trouble seeing it? Here is the original post:
by Dwane | Jul 23, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Latin, Vocabulary
During this class, we will read through all of Word Power Made Easy, by Norman Lewis. 90% of the multi-syllable words in English derive directly from Latin. In other words, 90% of our “big” words are the children of Latin. Much of our scientific and medical...
by Dwane | Jul 21, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: 1.still have room in your Lingua Latina 1 class? 2. If my 7th grader finishes VL mid-year is there something intermediate you recommend before jumping into a high school level class like Lingua Latina? Here is my reply: Hi! Still room. No...
by Dwane | Jul 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
A reader, interested in auditing an online class, sums up the differences. Here is her short, to the point assessment: Audit class= viewing recordings, cannot ask questions, cannot have work corrected by Dwane, can watch as much as need to. Am I correct? Here is my...
by Dwane | Jul 18, 2015 | Tip of the Week
According to the United States Department of Labor, Americans spend almost 3 hours a day watching television. I have seen higher numbers on other sites. But, hey, let’s give our fellow countrymen the benefit of the doubt. Let’s stick with the lower number. The...
by Dwane | Jul 18, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Latin, Vocabulary
Cynosure: the center of attention. Think of a dinosaur. He is always the cynosure. Incidentally, if I were half horse, and half man, I would be the centaur of attention. A Cynosure can also be something that serves as a guide. Polaris, in the constellation Ursa...