Visual Latin Lesson 12 confusion.

A student is bewildered by the differences between the indicative mood and the imperative mood. This topic appears in Visual Latin lesson 12. Here is her mother: She does not understand how to change the words to indicative or imperative. The endings seem to vary so...

I will imitate her when I retire.

Over the summer, I have been corresponding with a Latin learner out West. In one of our conversations, she admitted this: By the way, I am 65 years old, so I am no spring chicken, but am wanting to learn Latin to increase my vocabulary. I also do substitute teaching...

Online Vocabulary class questions?

I received a series of questions about the online vocabulary class. I am very interested in auditing this class but before I commit, I have a few questions: 1. What are the major differences between taking this class versus auditing it? 2. If I would audit this...

Google Translate

I am a fan of google translate. But, it has limitations. This infographic provides a good breakdown.

Scotus Motus

Not long ago, I was in Lake Tahoe, California. Near our hotel was a park bench.  On the park bench sat a statue of Mark Twain.  Or, Samuel Clemens.  Whichever you prefer. Here he is: As I stared at the statue I wondered, “What was Mark Twain doing in Lake...

Lingua Latina and what else?

I received this question: I was wondering if students needed any other book besides the Lingua Latina book?  There appear to be a couple of other books that are part of the Lingua Latina ‘program’. Here is my reply: The only other piece I would recommend...

Henle Latin or Visual Latin?

I received this question: I have a reluctant Latin learner (6th grader). We purchased visual Latin a couple months ago, but will be starting classical conversations in the fall. So what the difference is between visual and henle and which would be better for him? Here...

Challenge A, B, and C?

I received this comment: I am interested in the Henle Latin 1 online class for my son who will do Challenge A with Classical Conversations.   Have you ever considered doing a class that just corresponds with what they will cover with each level?  For Challenge A...

Am I ready for a Latin CLEP exam?

I received this inquiry: My son has completed all 60 lessons for Visual Latin. Would this be enough to prepare him for a CLEP test?? Here is my reply: Hi! I apologize for the delay.  I have been on the road for weeks.  Home now.  Catching up. Visual Latin teaches...

Age for the Vocabulary class?

I received this question about the vocabulary class: Do you have a target age for this class? Here is my reply.  Warning.  It gets a little weird. I apologize for the delay.  On the road for weeks.  Home now.  Catching up. This class is more for high school/college...

Visual Latin and Lingua Latina

I received this inquiry: We are looking to use Visual Latin 1 this Fall for 9th grade. I have a question about your online class, Lingua Latina. If we’ll be doing Visual Latin 1, will we need to coordinate the lessons with the Lingua Latina course? How does it...

Audit option

Many of you have asked, “What do I do I want to join an online class, but have a schedule conflict?” This morning, I created an option for you. When checking out, choose the option: “I am auditing this class.” This option will still grant you...

Tired Mom, New Latin teacher.

I received this comment: Hi, Dwane I am a  tired, overworked, homeschool mother who is also going to be the Challenge A director this year for the first time. Whoop. Since I am Latin clueless, and frankly, not feeling very motivated to learn it by myself, I am very...


Physiognomy: The art of judging human character by facial features. I know how to do this, actually.  Allow me to demonstrate.  You have a nose on the front of your face.  Ergo, you are the type of person who sniffs from the front of your face. Physiognomy comes from...

Find your happy place.

I don’t know how travel writers do it. I just spent five weeks working from the road.  If I were to grade my performance, I would give myself a C -.  Maybe a D +. I fell behind on emails, blogs, the word of the day, and new YouTube videos. As I said, I do not...

Find your happy place.

I don’t know how travel writers do it. I just spent five weeks working from the road.  If I were to grade my performance, I would give myself a C -.  Maybe a D +. I fell behind on emails, blogs, the word of the day, and new YouTube videos. As I said, I do not...

Declare your freedom… from advertisements.

From time to time, I show my students videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, this can be a bit risky with advertisements.  I never know what is going to pop up.  They have likely seen the advertisements anyway.  (I am repeatedly surprised by the amount of pop culture my...

Third Declension I-Stem

I received this comment: I am currently in my first year of Visual Latin. I’m confused… how do you tell if a 3rd declension neuter noun is i-stem or not? Gratias ago. Here is my reply: This is a tricky issue.  These extra videos may help: Third...

Questions about the Henle class.

Short answer: I no longer personally grade the work of students. This applies to all new subscriptions.  If I was grading your work last year, and if you are still paying me to grade, then I will continue.  Longer answer: I received a series of questions about the...

Ready for Visual Latin 2?

I received this inquiry: I have a question about VisualLatin2. I am 12 years old and have just finished VisualLatin1 this past year. My final/total score was about 87% for the year. Do you think I would be okay taking VL2 on my own next year, or would it be a big step...

Can I join the Henle 2 class?

I received this inquiry: My son only completed up to Henle Latin 1 lesson 26 – He will be starting Ch 2 in the fall (Henle Latin 2) – can he enroll in your class???? Here is my reply: Hi! I am afraid Henle Latin 2 would be over his head.  There are 42...

Visual Latin, online class, or both?

I received this inquiry: I want to sign my son up for Latin I-Visual Latin and am a little confused about what to order.  Do I need the DVD set, Visual Latin as well as the on-line class?  If I am reading correctly that is what is included in the price of the class?...

Happy New Month!

Happy New Month! July: The seventh month of the year, during which the sun enters the sign Leo. It is so called from Julius, the surname of Caius Caesar, who was born in this month. Before that time, this month was called Quintilis, or the fifth month, according to...

How to drastically change your life.

I haven’t sent a “tip of the week” for nearly three weeks. Turns out, I don’t work very well from the road.  It’s all going to hit me when I get home. My family and I have been on the road for three weeks now.  Without much of a plan, we...