by Dwane | Apr 23, 2015 | Motivation, The Future
Early to Rise printed this article by James Altucher today. I found it interesting. I should probably work on the friend suggestion. How to Prepare for Death By James Altucher The oldest living person ever was Jeanne Clement, who died in 1997. She was 122 years old....
by Dwane | Apr 23, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this comment: My daughter can’t seem to get past Lesson 16. (We have had a lot of family/personal/computer issues going on this year so we had to put Latin aside for a few weeks off and on.) My daughter can not seem to grasp Lesson 16 with the ablative and...
by Dwane | Apr 22, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
One frustrated Visual Latin user contacted me. She felt she was not getting enough review. Here is my response: First of all, I apologize for the frustration I have caused. Just so you know, we offer an ironclad money back guarantee. If you find that Visual Latin...
by Dwane | Apr 22, 2015 | Education, Latin, Q&A, Visual Latin
I received this question this morning: Please explain why animalia laeta sunt is correct. Animalia appears to be plural but laeta is singular. Also on the same 10C lesson: Deus complet opus. Why isn’t opus a direct object and hence opum? Thanks! Because I just...
by Dwane | Apr 21, 2015 | Errata, Visual Latin
A user pointed out a mistake I had made in Visual Latin test 39. In question 23, students are to give the correct translation for the italicized words: Ii videbantur. A) I will be warned B) I will warn C) You will be warned D) We will be warned E)...
by Dwane | Apr 21, 2015 | Motivation, The Future
Every few months, I edit, or add to this post, and then re-post it. Here we go again. College, for me, was a waste of time. I naively did what I was told. I did what every high school graduate was supposed to do. I went to college. It was a four year delay of...
by Dwane | Apr 21, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Latin in Literature, Motivation, Q&A, Visual Latin
Yesterday was a long day. Just before I fell asleep, I posted a quick note about alternative Latin reading material. Here it is: A few days ago, I publicly declared that reading Caesar’s commentary on the Gallic Wars...
by Dwane | Apr 20, 2015 | Education, English, Latin, Latin in Literature, Visual Latin
On Saturday, I took a whack at a hornet’s nest. I suggested that perhaps there was something better to read than hundreds of pages of history of hundreds of headless Gauls. Several people contacted me. Among other things, they wanted to know… well, what...
by Dwane | Apr 18, 2015 | Latin, Latin in Literature, Motivation, Visual Latin
Last night I watched the new Penguins of Madagascar movie. I have five kids. I watch a lot of kid movies. In fact, I have four daughters. I have seen all of the princess movies. Anyway, as I was saying, I watched the new Penguin movie last night. It was okay. The...
by Dwane | Apr 18, 2015 | Latin, Tip of the Week, Visual Latin
Think Outside the Border Tip #15 – Free help with Latin! If you are learning Latin, you know all about those complicated Latin endings! I actively teach Latin and Greek for over 20 hours a week, every week. I spend another 10 hours a week grading. My students...
by Dwane | Apr 18, 2015 | Education, Latin
I received this comment: Thanks for all you do. CC family here with a 15 year old sophomore finishing up Challenge B. It sounds like you’re very familiar with the Challenge B Henle pace – they finished up lessons 1-25 out of 42. My question is – do...
by Dwane | Apr 18, 2015 | Education, Latin, Tip of the Week
You don’t have to stick with your boring language book. Growing up in different countries taught me something important. It taught me that there may be a better way. I learned from Germany that stores do not have to stay open on Sunday. Business owners can...
by Dwane | Apr 17, 2015 | English, Latin, Visual Latin, Vocabulary
Pedicure: care for the feet. From the Latin words pes, (the genitive is pedis), and the verb curare, which means, to care for. Some time ago, one of my high school students held her hands out in front of herself for a long time. She was clearly not paying attention in...
by Dwane | Apr 16, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
Here is a complex Latin question I received. My guess is that more than a few of you are in this situation. I have 2 daughters taking Latin. One is taking your Henle 1 class. She was in Classical Conversations until this past year. That is where she started with...
by Dwane | Apr 16, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Latin, Spanish
A user asked the following questions: I am wondering how Biblical Greek and Attic Greek differ if you can learn Attic and read the Bible in Greek when you are done. Are Attic and Koine similar enough that it doesn’t matter? On another note, how early is it...
by Dwane | Apr 16, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Isopod: a crustacean with seven pairs of legs. They use the legs to crawl. Most isopods live in the water, though you can find some isopods living under logs, or in dark places. The name Isopoda comes from the Greek ἴσος (iso), the same, and the Greek word for foot,...
by Dwane | Apr 16, 2015 | English, Latin, Vocabulary
Pedigree: Lineage; line of ancestors from which a person or tribe descends; genealogy. Pedigree comes from the French phrase, pie de grue, meaning: the crane’s foot. Some thought that the spreading lines of a genealogical chart resembled the foot of a crane. The...
by Dwane | Apr 16, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
This week, someone asked me, “Are there audio books I could listen to in Latin?” Here is an excerpt from my book Via. =================================================== In 2011, Faith Comes By released Here you will find the...
by Dwane | Apr 15, 2015 | Education, Latin, Vocabulary
Pawn: Something given as security for the payment of borrowed money; a pledge. This first definition has nothing to do with the Latin word for foot. Instead, it comes from an Old French word meaning pledge, or security. The pawn on the chess board, however, does from...
by Dwane | Apr 14, 2015 | Education, Motivation, The Future
Yesterday, I blogged a bit about the collapse of my family finances, and our slow recovery. During our collapse, I discovered the writings of Mark Ford. I read everything I could find by the man. I implemented as much of his advice as I could. This article, by...
by Dwane | Apr 14, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Vocabulary
Hexapod: a creature with six feet. Any arthropod of the class Hexapoda. In other words, an insect. Though he only has two feet, Marvel has brought a “hexapod” hero to the big screen: Hexapod comes from the Greek word ἑξαποδία...
by Dwane | Apr 14, 2015 | English, Latin
Peddler: a walking salesman; a traveling trader; one who travels about, retailing small wares; a hawker; a huckster; a street vendor. These days, the word peddler may describe someone who sells illegal drugs, or stolen goods. Peddler shows up in English in the 1200’s....
by Dwane | Apr 13, 2015 | Motivation, The Future
I usually don’t blog much on Mondays. That is because I am in the classroom all day, and in the evening, my own children are in various classes around town. I drive them to the classes. This leaves little time to blog. Last week, a friend of mine contacted me...
by Dwane | Apr 11, 2015 | Education, Latin, Visual Latin
I received this question: My daughter is halfway through 3rd Form Latin from Memoria press. She has been trying to just do it without any instruction. I am thinking of switching to your Visual Latin but not sure where to start. She is 15, and a strong Latin student....
by Dwane | Apr 11, 2015 | Education, English, Greek, Latin, Motivation, Tip of the Week, Travel, Vocabulary
=================================================== Think Outside the Border Tip #14 – Don’t be afraid to jump ship! =================================================== You don’t have to stick with your boring language book. Growing up in different...