A Personal Memory Assistant

Someday, your memory will begin to fade.   I have noticed this depressing trend in myself lately.  In fact, if my memory gets any worse, I will soon be able to plan my own surprise parties.  I am not happy about this. This morning, while posting the “word of the...

Online Latin Class Questions

I received this email: Dwane, I am very interested in having my daughter do this online class but have a few questions about it’s structure. 1. Are the online classes interactive? 2. It seems that this class is a combination of both Visual Latin and Lingua Latina....

Chapter 27 mistake.

I received this comment on Facebook: Question: In lesson 27, 27B Sentences number 14 – Instead of matrem docuit, should it read, matrem docere? Here is my reply: Yep.  You are correct!  Thank you for pointing this out to me. Here is the question 14.  Pater putat...


Pedestrian: a walker; someone who journeys on foot. As an adjective, something pedestrian describes a going on foot; walking; made on foot; as a pedestrian journey. Interestingly, pedestrian also means boring, mundane, banal, prosaic, or commonplace. When we use the...


Gastropod: Snails and slugs. These guys are members of a class of mollusks (Gastropoda) that use their stomachs as a foot. I used to work with some guys like that. A scientist named Georges Cuvier coined the word in 1795. Cuvier created the word by combining the Greek...


I received this email: We are working through the Cornelia primer that was made available through CompassClassroom. Is there an answer book to make sure I am translating correctly? Just wondering how to incorporate this along with VL. I am also curious if you place...

Discounts for families?

I received this inquiry: Hello.   I have four daughters.  Three are beginning junior high (grades 6/7) and one entering high school (grade 9) in the fall.  We’ve gone through Prima Latina (Memoria Press) twice.  Question:  If we were to enroll in your online...


If you spend any time around my family, you will eventually hear a strange term.  When things are going severely wrong, when a situation is just awful, someone in the family will mutter, Wampatucked.  My girls blog for their English assignments.  Today, one of them...

Latin for the little guys?

I received this inquiry on Facebook: I haven’t purchased a Latin program for my kids. My oldest is currently in 3rd grade. I am ready to buy now, but still not sure which one.  I’m feeling very overwhelmed by the choices. I just want to feel secure in...

Why You Should Run Away

We moved often when I was young.  Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Back then (in the 70’s and 80’s), redeployment was common.    Until moving to Franklin, Tennessee, I had stayed no where longer than four years.  Two years, actually, was the average.  We...

Latin Graduation Quotes

Every now and then I get requests like this one. Hi! I want to put a Latin message on my daughter’s Graduation sign for our yard.  Do you have any ideas? Thanks! Here is my reply: How about “Per aspera ad astra.” It means, to the stars through...

The Latin Bible?

This question popped up on Facebook today: We just purchased Visual Latin and love it so far (on lesson 5 now). What Latin Bible do you recommend? I want to purchase one for my daughters who are studying Latin (along with me). Here is my reply: Glad to hear you are...


Excellent video about Roman urban development. David Macaulay is the author and artist behind the book, City: A Story of Roman Planning and...


Chiropodist: a podiatrist.  The word chiropodist has essentially dropped from English.  It lost its job to podiatrist.  A chiropodist was a hand and foot doctor.  The word comes from the Greek words for hand, χείρ (pronounced, kheir) and foot, ποδός (pronounced,...


Pedestal: In architecture, the lowest part of a column or pillar. The pedestal sustains a column and serves as its “foot.” A pedestal is a support structure, a base. We can use the word pedestal figuratively as well. When we put someone “on a pedestal,” we are...

After Visual Latin?

I received this question: Hi. After a student has completed Visual Latin 1 & 2, is there a particular program/level that you would recommend they move to? What is the next step after Visual Latin? Thanks! Here is my reply: Hi, Melissa! I do have some...

Preparation for Henle?

I received this question: Will you have any materials or preparation information prior to the beginning of the online course scheduled to begin this fall? Here is my reply: Hi, Debra! If at all possible, try to get through the first 15 to 20 lessons of Visual Latin...


Cephalopod: the squid, the octopus, or the cuttlefish.  The Greek word, κεφαλή (kephale) means, head.  Combine this word with the Greek word for foot, ποδός (podos), and you’ve got a cephalopod.  That’s right.  A cephalopod is a “head-footed” creature.  Or, perhaps a...


Pedal:  A foot-operated lever.    We use pedals all the time.  We use them to power bicycles, vehicles, and other machines.  Pedals also control sewing machines, pianos, and organs. Come to Nashville and you will even see “Pedal Taverns.”  Pedal Taverns are bicycle...

Do I have to learn the cases?

This comment popped up on YouTube. Great videos. but I have a question. in lesson 1C you pronounced CAELUM /djelum/ or something like it. C like an CH. But in this one, you say it as K… why is that? and watching this lesson, i´ve got another question. why do we...


Interesting move by Facebook, according to tech blogger, Peter Diamandis. As you read, you will notice they named their drone, Aquila. Aquila is Latin for Eagle. “A few weeks ago, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced, “As part of our Internet.org...

Be optimistic.

Optimism: the belief that all is for the best. From Latin optimus, meaning, the best.  Optimus is the superlative of bonus, which means, good. Yesterday was Easter Sunday, the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  If you take a long look at the history...

Your Memory Assistant

Someday, your memory will begin to fade.   I have noticed this depressing trend in myself lately.  In fact, if my memory gets any worse, I will soon be able to plan my own surprise parties.  I am not happy about this. This morning, while posting the “word of the...

How to sound smart.

One of my favorite quotes comes from The Pledge, by Michael Masterson.     “Words matter.  They help us define meaning.  We think with words.  We learn with words.  Words are the fundamental tools we use for communicating.  If we use them well, we can cut, and shape,...