Lucius Malfoy

Lucius Malfoy, in the Harry Potter series, is the father of Draco Malfoy. In the last post about J.K. Rowling’s famous series, we looked into the meaning of Draco’s name.  In case you weren’t paying attention, Draco is Latin for dragon, or snake....

Get comfortable with failure.

As a teacher, there are certain things I am should not say.  Here is a big one:  “I hate tests and quizzes.”  I should not say stuff like that.  I am a teacher.  Still, it’s true.  I hate them.  I hate them for one massive reason.  Tests and quizzes...

Draco Malfoy

Rowling plays with language throughout the Harry Potter series.  Consider this: One of the main characters in J.K. Rowling’s series is Draco Malfoy. This is no accidental name.  Draco, in Latin, means dragon, or even, snake.  Draco Malfoy is in Slytherin House....

Happy New Month!

August: respected, impressive; the eighth month. For the record, I like the Old English name better.  Weodmonað means weed month.  Let’s bring this name back.  Who’s with me? To honor the emperor Caesar Augustus, the Romans renamed the month sextilis....

Be a part of it…

I need some help.  We are often reminded that kids today don’t read as much as they once did.  I don’t know if that is true or not.  I do know they have more distractions today than they once did.  I am working on a short, attention grabbing, engaging...

Happy Birthday, Harry!

Happy Birthday, Harry! In honor of Harry Potter’s birthday, I am starting a new category:  Latin in Literature. J. K. Rowling plays with Latin, Greek, French,  and German throughout her famous series.  For example, Caput Draconis is  a password from the first...

Words, words, words…

“Words matter.  They help us define meaning.  We think with words.  We learn with words.  Words are the fundamental tools we use for communicating.  If we use them well, we can cut, and shape, and polish our ideas precisely, and beautifully.  If we use them...

Take a look at number 9.

Ten things you can do to get smarter everyday by Jessica Stillman You might be under the impression that intelligence is a fixed quantity that is set when you are young and unchanging thereafter. But research shows that, if so, you’re wrong. How we approach...

La bella lingua….

I intend to run an experiment on myself soon.  I am going to teach myself Italian. This experiment will happen right here on the blog.  My goal: to speak and read Italian by Christmas.  We’ll see. I wanted to run this experiment on myself this summer.  Other...

Yarrow, or Achillea millefolium

Achillea millefolium, commonly known as yarrow has a long and interesting history.  The name of the flower is part Greek, part Latin.  Achillea, comes from the Greek name Ἀχιλλεύς.  According to legend, Achilles would carry the plant with him onto the battlefield.  He...

The hardest book you will ever read.

My students and I just finished another trip through Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, by Hans Orberg.  Today was the last day of a Latin class that began several years ago. Since we bogged down in the book, the class was off schedule.  I promised students we would...

How to write good.

This summer, I read The Loom of Language by Frederick Bodmer. Years ago, I read Lingua Latina, by Hans Orberg.  I was discouraged with Latin and ready to quit.  Orberg’s book showed up at the right time.  Were it not for his book, I would not be a Latin teacher...

Save yourself a little time.

It’s no secret that I believe students should start with the Vulgate (the Latin Bible) before tackling the Latin Classics. In a recent blog about this, I provided a link to Faith Comes By Hearing.  By using the link, and by typing “Latin” into the...