I received this question:
Hello, I am wondering about students who may require extra time completing Latin I… Specifically, my son, who has quite a high learning potential, also has to deal with some learning challenges (processing speed/ability, made more difficult by ADHD). Can this course be spread over a full year, for example? Or, is it live and thus he’d fall behind? (We home educate.) Thank you for your time.
Here is my reply:
You have an option as a subscriber of attending any live class I teach, or you could also simply rely on the recordings. I record every single class I teach and rarely do I take those classes down. There are currently 510 videos on my site and that number is climbing at the rate of seven videos per week. I have quite a few students who rely only on the recordings and never attend the live classes. They are still welcome to join the forums, interact with other students, email me if they are confused, and participate in the graded homework if you choose that level of subscription.
In other words, the answer to your question is, yes. You can go at any pace you like. I built my site this way on purpose. I, too, am a rather slow learner. Classes run away from me. I need to take my time when learning something new.
Have a happy Wednesday!
Dwane Thomas