ROBERT HENLE’S FIRST YEAR LATIN Live Online with Dwane Thomas
During the year, we will read through the entire text of Robert Henle’s First Year Latin.
Don’t worry, this can be done. After all, the title of the book is First Year Latin. I would feel I was cheating you if I dragged the book out over multiple years.
If you get stuck or overwhelmed, you are welcome to slow down and proceed at your own pace using the archived classes.
By the way, you are going to find out during this class that I am not personally a big fan of this book. That is okay. We are going to get through it together and I will try to make the process as pleasant as possible.
Time: Wednesday, 9:00-9:55am CST
Dates: August 31, 2016 – May 31, 2017.
There will be no classes during the fourth week of November. There will be no classes during the last two weeks of December.
If there are other schedule changes, they will be announced during class.
Beginning November 8, 2016, all new subscriptions will end on July 1. If you would like to maintain a monthly subscription rather than join again in August, just let me know. It is best to contact me at
As always, all subscriptions are FAMILY subscriptions. Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll.
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