I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I hope 2015 was good to you and that 2016 will be even better!

Before life gets crazy busy again, I suggest you sit down and write a list.

What would you like to accomplish this year?  Is there something you have been putting off?  Is it time to finally do it?

A simple, written list is a powerful tool.

After being foreclosed on years ago, I sat down and wrote a list.  I felt like I was starting over.  That was almost 10 years ago.  I still have that list.  Most of the goals have been checked off.

I believe in the power of the simple written list.  Writing your goals down seems to have real power.  Try it.

Oh, and be specific.  Don’t write, “I want to read more.”  Instead,  write, “I will read 40 books this year.”

For some reason, the more specific you are… the greater chance of success.

By the way, I am cleaning one of my lists.  This one.  If you are on this list, and you do not want to hear from me anymore, simply unsubscribe below.

I don’t really want you to do this, but if you need to go, I get it.  If you decide to stick around, and I hope you do, you will hear from me every Saturday this year.  I send out a weekly “tip” every Saturday.

Happy Saturday and Happy New Year!

Dwane Thomas Tip of the Week – January 2, 2016