Henle Latin and transcripts

by | Jun 20, 2019 | Latin


I’ll get to Henle Latin and transcripts in just a moment.  

First, I need to let you know that I have been up to something this summer.

This summer I have decided to go a different direction.  

I was going to teach some summer courses.  

Like a republicrat, I changed my mind mid-stream. 

This summer, I am writing.  I am writing tests.  And, then some more tests.  And, finally, more tests.

Not happy about it, but what do we do?  

Really.  What do WE do?  We are all trapped by the system.  You are.  I am.  We all are.  

Every year, I get excited about leading students down the fascinating path of languages.   

Every year, students and parents have one major, recurring question.  

“How do we get a grade for the course?”

In the past, I have pushed back against this.  

“Aren’t you more interested in learning Latin?  I can teach you to read the New Testament in Latin.  How cool is that?” 

The response is usually the same.  “How do I get a grade for the course?”

I get it.  You have hoops to jump through.  If you are a student, you have hoops to jump through.  If you are a parent, you have hoops to jump through.  If you are coaching a student, you have hoops to jump through.  I get it.  

So, this summer, I am typing.  I am typing tests.  Every day.  Latin tests.  Greek tests.  French tests.  Italian tests.  Spanish tests.  Dozens and dozens of them.  

This year, when everyone asks, “How do I get a grade for this course?”, I will respond, “Go take the tests.”

Soooo… instead of teaching this summer, THAT is what I am up to.  That, and really long-distance bike rides when I get tired of writing tests.

And now, on to a slightly more complicated answer to a slightly more complicated question. 


I received this question:

I am working on my son’s transcript for this past year (jr).  He took henle latin 1 in 9th, henle latin 2 in 10th and henle latin 3 in 11th.  Would you say each counts as a high school credit?  I feel he spent much more time in 1, a bit less in 2 and much less in 3.  Is there any quick way to know how much time is spent watching lessons and doing readings other than going through the class videos one by one to check time length?  Thanks for the help.

Here is my reply:

I would just estimate four, or so, hours per chapter.  That should make it easy for you.  

The breakdown would be something like this:

  • An hour watching class.
  • An hour reading through, studying, and memorizing the grammar.
  • An hour working through the exercises, and 
  • About an hour of taking the test for the chapter.

Then, it just becomes a math problem.

Honestly, you could probably add an hour for each level as the books get tougher.

Classical Conversations treats First Year Latin by Robert Henle as three years of high school Latin.  They are doing that on a national and international level.  This means the first book alone meets the high school language requirements.   So, you are good to go.  🙂

Let me know if you need more help!

Dwane Thomas


If you are learning Latin, I have written a book with all of my best tips and strategies.  It’s available as a free download here: https://dwanethomas.com/via/

If you are interested in learning Latin, you can go through the classes on my site 24/7.  I recommend the book Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg.  If you tackle the book and find yourself bogged down, you may find the classes on my site helpful.  To join, just click here: https://dwanethomas.com/join/

If you want a more professionally filmed experience, check out the best-selling DVD series: Visual Latin.

Or, if you want to skip Latin, and just jump right into learning English words from Latin and Greek roots, you may enjoy the series Word up!  Warning.   Word up! is a bit wacky.  You will learn a lot… but, you may find yourself rolling your eyes, too. 

I also post frequently on YouTube.  Check out my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbK6ZQ869b-rtmMTSA5uLrg. And, don’t forget to subscribe!

By the way, some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Not trying to pull a fast one on you. I only promote what I believe in.