On Monday, July 8, 2024, I am offering a free webinar on setting and hitting goals.  Actually, I am starting a series of webinars.  We will meet every Monday morning in July of 2024

This is a free webinar organized by Compass Classroom.  Feel free to join.  Here is the link: https://compassclassroom.com/shop/product/setting-goals-live-summer-2024/

Just so you know, this is a first for me.   I have set goals for years.  I’ve read stacks of books on goal setting.  However, until now, I have never taught a class on the subject.

I would be sending this as a weekly email, but I can’t.  I use Aweber to send out emails each week, and each week they lock me out of my account.

Literally.  Every week.  I get this lovely message.

I have to say, their customer service is amazing.  However, that does not make up for the fact that every week, I get the message above.

Oh well.  If you see this, there is a free goal setting webinar coming up this Monday, and you are welcome to join.