Lingua Latina Year 1


Overview: Thorough first-year high school Latin course emphasizing Latin & English grammar, vocabulary, English derivatives, Roman history & culture, and reading proficiency.

This is a tough class.  Be prepared to work hard.

CLASS TIMES: Tuesdays, 9:00-9:55 am CST

Dates: August 30, 2016, and will end on May 30, 2017.

There will be no classes during the fourth week of November.  There will be no classes during the last two weeks of December.

If there are other schedule changes, they will be announced during class.

Beginning November 8, 2016, all new subscriptions will end on July 1.  If you would like to maintain a monthly subscription rather than join again in August, just let me know.  It is best to contact me at

As always, all subscriptions are FAMILY subscriptions.  Everyone in the family is welcome to enroll.

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