I received this question:
Hello, Dwane.
I have a question regarding lines 72-73 of cap. VI. I cannot figure out what the verb is in that sentence. I understand this part — Medus, however, who fears the angry master, — and then I guess it’s saying that he is going far away from the villa is Julius. But what is the verb in that last part of the sentence. And where does abest fit in?
Thank you for your time. My kids and I are doing so much better with Lingua Latina now that we have your videos. I just can’t tell you how much of a difference they have made for us.
Here is my reply:
Good morning!
Abest is the verb, actually.
The Romans liked to add prepositions to the verb est.
Est, by itself, means is.
Ab, means from, or away from. Combined with est, abest means to be away/absent/missing.
Ad, means to, or toward. Combined with est, adest becomes to be near/present/in attendance.
In, means in, or on. Combined with est, inest means to be in/there/involved in.
All this means that the sentences you are asking about, “Julius prope villam suam est. Medus autem, qui dominum iratum timet, procul a villa Julii abest”, would be translated, “Julius is near his house. Medus however, who fears the angry master, is far away from/absent/missing from the house of Julius.”
Make sense?
Have a happy Tuesday!