Every now and then, someone asks me to fill out state vendor paperwork.
Sorry. Will not do it.
I refuse to deal with any government offices unless I am required to by law (taxes, citizenship, etc.)
I am British and American. I am always stunned by the small amount of paperwork required by the British government each time I am in contact with them.
On the other hand, I am always stunned by the excessive amount of paperwork required by the American federal and state governments each time I am in contact with them. Unnecessarily complicated, regulated and cumbersome.
If I can legally avoid American federal and state paperwork, I do.
Happy to work out some sort of agreement with you privately, but I will not deal with the state of California. Or, any other state for that matter.
Again, I am very sorry.
While I’m on my rant, it blows me away that people trust in the public schools. How in the world do we think that the same people who run the Department of Motor Vehicles can educate our children?