Here is another common question I receive:

Hi Dwayne! I hope you’re doing well. It’s the beginning of Latin again for another child. She begins Challenge A with Classical Conversations next month using Henle. I had a question about how to approach it using your videos. Should she just watch the regular Visual Latin Videos or use the one you’ve done related to Henle?

Here is my reply:

It depends on the age of your daughter. If your daughter is younger than 13, I highly recommend using Visual Latin.   I recommend my classes online only for those age 13 and older. The pace of my online classes is rather aggressive. For example, as the title suggests, we finish First Year Latin by Robert Henle in… the first year.   This automatically means that the course is going to be tough.

I will be working on a more comprehensive guide to First Year Latin by Mr. Henle as we progress through the upcoming school year.   I would like to tie Visual Latin. and First Year Latin closer together.   I am hoping that such a guide would help families in your situation.

Dwane Thomas