I get this question, or questions like this, every week:
I have two kids entering Challenge 1 this year in CC, and I am interested in your Henle 1 class. Would I need to pay 250.00 per child? Also, if I were to sign them up for the class where their work is graded, would it be 500.00 per child? Thanks for your time,
Here is my reply:
Good morning, Sarah!
In response to your question, no. One price per family. I have switched my site so that there is a family price, instead of an individual price for each student. I am tired of getting ripped off all the time for having a large family. I decided to treat others the way I would like to be treated.
I guess people just can’t believe that I’m serious. This explains why the question keeps popping up.
I like helping people. Unlike some other online programs, I don’t have a desire to squeeze families for every last dollar I can get from them.
I see myself as a helpful advisor, not a money extraction machine. I am likely leaving money on the table. Maybe a lot of money. That’s okay. I can sleep well at night this way.