For the first time in 20 years, I will not be in a classroom next school year.

For the last five years, I have raced home after school to start teaching online from 3 o’clock in the afternoon until 6 o’clock in the evening, or so.

The problem is, my mind shuts down after about 2 o’clock in the afternoon.   I found a quote I liked the other day.   “Think in the morning.   Act in the afternoon…” – William Blake

This is my modus operandi.   Unfortunately, for the last five years, my schedule has not allowed me to teach online in the morning.   This fall, I can teach whenever I want.

So, I am seismically shifting my schedule.

Here is a possible schedule for next year.


Tuesday:  (All times in Central Time Zone)

9 AM: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg Chapters 1 – 19 (Latin 1)

10 AM: Lingua Latina by Hans Ørberg Chapters 20 – 34 (Latin 2)

11 AM: Roma Aeterna by Hans Ørberg (Latin 3)


Wednesday:  (All times in Central Time Zone)

9 AM: First Year Latin by Robert Henle

10 AM: Second Year Latin by Robert Henle

11 AM: Third Year Latin by Robert Henle

1 PM: Greek 1

2 PM: Greek 2


Thursday:  (All times in Central Time Zone)

9 AM: National Latin Exam

10 AM: From Latin to Italian

11 AM: English vocabulary from Classical Roots


Of course if you can’t make it to class at those times, it doesn’t matter. Everything will be recorded.

And, if you can’t decide which class to join, that doesn’t matter either.   Subscribe… and you have access to them all!

This schedule is a preview.  It is subject to change.   Let me know if you have any suggestions.