Last March, my family and I became friends with Joel and Cathy Kramer and their kids.

Cathy had wanted to attend a Harry Potter class that I offered in 2015.  She was living in Jerusalem at the time and, due to time differences, was not able to attend the class.  She contacted me to ask if the classes would be recorded.

Since my family and I were about to spend time in Israel, I asked about life there.  In particular, dentistry.  My very frugal wife needed some dental work done, and she had heard that it would be much cheaper in Jerusalem. (It was.)

One thing led to another, and we ended up spending a week in the Kramer’s house.  Moral of the story?  Don’t join any of my online classes.  I may move in with you.

Anyway, during our time in Jerusalem, we became fast friends with this amazing family.

At one point, I asked.  “Why do you live in Jerusalem?”  After all, most American families do not simply move to Jerusalem.

Joel, it turns out, is an archaeologist.

Do you remember the story of Lew Wallace?  He authored the famous book, Ben Hur.  He traveled to Israel as an atheist in order to prove that the Bible was a book of myths.  Instead, he ended up converting to Christianity.  He then penned one of the world’s great classics.

Joel came to Israel for the opposite reason.  His faith in the Bible was not thin.  Instead, tired of the constant attacks against the Bible, he came to document its veracity.

Joel is a documentary filmmaker.  Upon arrival in the Holy Land, he asked two questions.  “What is the greatest attack against the Old Testament?”  And, “What is the greatest attack against the New Testament?”

Once he had the answers to those questions, he tackled the detractors head on.  He created in-depth documentaries to answer the assault of the critics.

Both films, Jericho Unearthed, and The Jesus Tomb Unmasked, are available here:

But, I am writing today to share another video with you.  After our time with the Kramers in Jerusalem, Joel left for an expedition to the Sudan.  He went looking for an old Egyptian temple.  It turns out, the Egyptians liked to brag.  To make sure we would someday read their boasts, they bragged on temple columns.

In this particular temple, the Egyptians had boasted about their conquered enemies.  At least one enemy on the list didn’t have a country.  So, the Egyptians simply called them “nomads”.  Since they didn’t have a country, they referred to the nomads by the name of their God, Yahweh.

It turns out, this is the earliest known inscription of Yahweh.  You would think that would be a pretty big deal.  But, I would be willing to bet you had never heard of it.  Neither had I.

Listen to Joel’s story.  It is worth your time: