I received this comment:

Hi, Dwane

I am a  tired, overworked, homeschool mother who is also going to be the Challenge A director this year for the first time. Whoop.

Since I am Latin clueless, and frankly, not feeling very motivated to learn it by myself, I am very interested in your online Henle 1 class. I have a few questions:

1. I am wondering how interactive your classes are, and how you handle the interaction.

2. In your opinion, is this class a good fit for me?

3. Is there tax on the cost of the class? If so, I have a tax exemption certificate I’d like to get to you.

Thanks so much for your help. If I don’t hear from you soon I might sign up  with the intent to take advantage of your guarantee if it turns out to be a bad fit.

Here is my reply:


First of all, you are not alone.  I receive emails from tired, overworked, homeschool mothers every single day.  There is an epidemic.  🙂  

Unfortunately, Latin does not seem to be the cure for all you tired mothers.  Instead, Latin adds insult to injury.

I interact with students during class.  Some students choose to interact and ask questions in class, some choose to simply watch.  All during the week, students will email me.  We interact via email on a daily basis.  Though it is not active yet, I intend to add a forum to my site.  Students and I will be able to interact there as well.  

In your second question, you asked if the class was a good fit for you. You are asking the barber whether you need a haircut, or not.  🙂  I do think the class would be a good fit for you.  You are overwhelmed by Latin.  I am not.  I’ve been teaching Latin for almost twenty years.  For me, it’s easy.  I believe I can help you.  Of course, if I am wrong, I will happily refund any tuition.

There is no tax unless you are a resident of Tennessee.  

Let me know if you need any more help!

Dwane Thomas