I received this question:
How do I beef up Visual Latin to be worthy of high school course credit? I remember something about adding in Henle or another starting after or with Lesson 16, but I can no longer find that information on the Compass Classroom site as I was looking for it last night. Li and behold, I received an email from them this morning mentioning your personal website where you teach even more! My kiddos really enjoy your videos! Thank you!
Here is my reply:
I do teach more. Lots more. 🙂
Visual Latin is more designed for middle school students. It is designed to help Latin students with any Latin curriculum. So many Latin courses are based on books. They can be quite dull. We designed Visual Latin to take some of the pain out of learning Latin. The series can be used with any Latin book, including Henle Latin.
The Latin classes on my own site (www.dwanethomas.com) are “next level” classes. They are designed for students who have completed Visual Latin and who want something more. Or, in the case of Henle Latin, the classes are designed for students who feel they need extra help with that notoriously tough course.
I always recommend Visual Latin first. Then, if students want more, I recommend Lingua Latina. I only recommend First Year Latin by Robert Henle for those in Classical Conversations. There is a teaching guide for those using Visual Latin to work their way through Henle Latin. Here it is: https://www.compassclassroom.com/henle-latin-teaching-guide-pdf
However, you do not have to join my site to add to Visual Latin. To give yourself much more, just add Lingua Latina. It’s a tough book (It’s a novel written in Latin), but most of my students love it.
I have created a guide to help you get through Lingua Latina with the help of Visual Latin. Just go to my site: www.dwanethomas.com, go to resources and click on the drop-down menu. There at the bottom, you will see: VL and Lingua Teaching guide. Click on it for the free download.
Let me know if you need more help!
Dwane Thomas