I received this question:

My daughter is enjoying her Latin study with your fun and engaging lessons. We bought the Visual Latin 2 printed course materials. We have not been able to find a place where there is a copy of all the latin vocab from volume 2 (lessons 31-60). Is there a master list for the visual Latin 2 or better yet a visual latin 1 & 2 combined vocabulary list? Thank you for your materials. They are appreciated!

Here is my reply:


Unfortunately, no.  There is a master list for Visual Latin 1, but there is not a master list for Visual Latin 2.  Don’t know how I managed to do that.  That is something I am planning to solve this summer.  

Meanwhile, I recommend these online tools when looking up Latin words:

Whitaker’s Words: http://archives.nd.edu/words.html

The Latin Dictionary: http://latin-dictionary.net/

Another Latin Dictionary (this one is really good for conjugating verbs): http://latindictionary.wikidot.com/verb:vocare

Verbix (a bit complicated and difficult to use, but not bad as a last resort): http://www.verbix.com/languages/latin.shtml

Visual Latin vocabulary organized into lists of flashcards: https://quizlet.com/CompassClassroom/folders/visual-latin/sets

I hope this helps!



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