This morning, I am plowing through over 150 emails. Many of them look like this:
1. Quae sunt insignia imperii? Fasces et secures insignia imperii sunt.
2. Quomodo Romulus civitatem auxit? Romulus multitudinem finitimorum in urbem receipt, cum sub monte Capitolino inter duos lucos asylum aperuisset.
3. Cur novus populous uxoribus carebat? Quia nusquam benign legatio audita est, adeo aliae gentes Romanos spernebant ac simul tantam in medio crescentem molem metuebant.
4. Quare Romulus finitimos ad ludos vocavit? Quia uxoris non habet.
5. Quo rex victor spolia opima tulit? Ad monte Capitolino.
6. Quomodo Sabini arcem Romanam ceperunt? Filia Sp. Tarpeius virgo forte aquam petitum extra moenia ierat. Ei Tatius auro pollicendo persuasit ut Sabinos armatos in arcem acciperet.
7. Quare scuta sua in puellam coniecerunt? Quia seu exempli causa ne quis impune patriam suam proderet.
8. Quid fecit Romulus cum Romani fugerunt? Post precatus, velut si senisset auditas preces, “Hinc” inquit, “Romani, Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, resistere atque iterare pugnam iubet.”
9. Quam ob rem pax facta est cum Sabinis? Quia Sabinae mulieres, crinibus passis scissaque veste – ausae sunt se inter tela volantia inferre.
10. Cur Romulus Veios expugnare non potuit? Quia urbe valida muris ac situ ipso munita abstinuit.
11. Quid accidit cum rex contionem militum haberet. Subito coorta tempestas cum magno fragore tonitribusque tam denso nimbo regem operuit ut conspectum eius militibus abstulerit.
12. Num milites regum in caelum rapi viderunt? Milites non regum in caelum rapi viderunt.
13. Quid Proculus Iulius narravit? Proculus Iulius narravit “Romulus parens urbis huius, prima hodierna luce de caelo repente delapsus mihi obvious fuit. ‘Abi nuntia’ inquit ‘Romanis, caelestes ita velle ut mea Roma caput orbis terrarium sit.”
14. Quomodo novus rex creatus est? Ita plebe permissum est ut regem crearet, sed tamen senates decernebat quis Romae regnaret.
15. Uter rex ferocior fuit, Romulusne an Numa? Numa rex ferocior fuit.
16. Quomodo Numa populum bellicosum temperavit? Sacerdotem et Vestis creavit et bello non putat.
So, yeah. I am having trouble keeping up.
I really hate to say this, but, I am not currently taking on any more students under the grading option. I am maxed out. I simply do not have time to take on new students. In the past, I had two options. $25 a month option grants access to every live class I teach and grants access to every recorded class on my site (currently about 700 videos). This option remains open. In the past, if you needed me to grade, the price doubled. However, due to the number of students who opted for grading, I am currently not able to grade the work of any more students.
As my site has grown, the emails have grown. I receive hundreds of emails a day. There are two kinds of emails. Half are from students whose work I grade. The other half are general inquiry emails. The general inquiry emails are requiring more and more of my time.
I will be working every day this summer to build tools to help students check their own work. I will be creating more quizzes and tests for my site. I have already begun loading my own answer keys to my site, and I will be loading more. These are free to subscribers. Over the past six, or seven years I have created a massive database of responses to my students. These I am uploading to my site for my subscribers. I also have forums where students are able to interact with other students and are able to check each other’s work.
I know this may not be much help, and I may have simply created more questions. I apologize for this.