I am a little disappointed.

I have been in Greece for a month now.  I am here to learn modern Greek as rapidly as I can.  The “rapid” part?  It isn’t happening.

One problem is, I am just not finding much to listen to.

I am an auditory learner.  That’s not entirely true.  Like you, I learn with my eyes, my ears, and my hands.  But, I really like learning with my ears.

Much of the Spanish I know, I learned through podcasts.  Much of what I know about running an online business and classroom, I learned through podcasts.  Much of the ancient Roman history I know, I learned through podcasts.

If you have read my book Via, you know that one of my favorite learning methods is audio learning.

Years ago, I wanted to start a Latin podcast.  I talked with Compass Classroom about it.  We created Visual Latin instead.

But, I still love audio learning and podcasting.  I still hope, someday, to launch a podcast.

Recently, a good friend of mine did launch a podcast.   David Durham is a true linguist.  He is a true polyglot.  He speaks French, Spanish, Italian, and German.  He lived in Europe for years and has even produced music in other languages!

If you want insight into Europe, European languages, or if you just want insight into the process of learning languages, David Durham is your guy.  He also happens to be a father, a grandfather, a teacher, a European tour guide, a musician, who knows what else, and now… a podcaster!  So, if you want insight into life, David Durham is your guy.

If you are an iTunes user, go can check out and subscribe to David’s podcast right here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/world-to-the-wise/id1100027296

Then, go check out David’s site here: http://daviddurham.org/

Now, if David would just learn Greek rapidly and launch a Greek learning podcast for me…

Have a happy Saturday!
Dwane Thomas, April 30, 2016